The fight

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***Hailey's POV***

I see Alec get madder after what Seth said, "Alec he is my friend calm down",I say as I pull him to my room, once we are there he pulls me to my bed and says,"He can't live if he'll want to take you away from me", he says heading out,"No wait!",I say running to him,"Please don't",I say as he looks at me and calms a little down,"But he loves you", he says heading out again,"No please I only love you",I scream,"What?",he asks happily, "I love you",I say looking at him,soon he smiles at me and hugs me.

"Whatever you say boss",he says and we both laugh,soon he pull me to kiss him,after a few minutes we break up and we stay in my room to not get him mad at Seth again, but not soon I get sleepy. In no matter of time I fall asleep in Alec's arms.

**************The next day**************

I wake up as soon as I feel something move, "You're awake",Alec says,"Yea im awake",I answer,"I was going to hunt and I thought I was going to come back before you woke up",he said,"It's ok go",I say then leans and kisses my forehead,"I'll see you in a bit",he said before leaving.

Not that much later I head down and see everyone talking,I see Demetri standing alone in a corner,"Hey are you okay?",I ask him,"Yea how are you",he asks,"Im good,so you wanna get to that walk?",I say laughing,  "Ha,sure",he said laughing.

We are both walking in the wood,"Look im sorry if Alec hurt you,it's all my fault",I say looking down,"It's not your fault,he's always been like that,overprotective",he says, "Really?",I ask,"Yes before he met you he was overprotective with Jane",he says but he stops us,"He's coming back to the house", he says scared,he soon carried me and ran to the house,in 5 seconds we were there but we enter through my balcony,then he ran out my room. In no matter of time Alec arrived.

"Im back",he said,but then he started sniffing and then he sniffed at me,"Why do you smell like Demetri?",he said looking at me angry,"I went to the forest with him for a walk",I said soon he was about to walk out, "Please don't hurt him",I say,"He's gone too far",he said as he opens the door,"Don't Go! Please I'll do anything!",I say to him he stops and heads my way,"Anything?",he asks looking down at me,"Anything but please don't hurt him,he's my friend",I say with tears on my eyes.

As soon as heard that he approached me and kissed me,we stood there kissing until Alec moved us to a wall,still kissing. Until he pulled both of us to my bed,soon everything else was wonderful,I couldnt brag but last night was the best night of my whole existence.

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