Part 6: The Note

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"JUNGKOOK WAKE UP!" Taehyung enters the room screaming with the others following behind. I ignored them and continued to hug my pillow sleeping.

"JUNGKOOK COME ON!" Jimin jumps on me trying to shake me awake. I try to push him off me but, the others start to come along.

"Get... off..!" I try to to breath while I'm smacking them on their backs.

They finally get off and I was able to breathe again. "What? Why did you wake me up?" I say annoyed, scratching the back of my head.

"I swear you're just like Taehyung. You're going to see Yuna, hurry up and get ready!" Jin said pulling my left arm trying to get me off my bed. "Come... on!" He says, struggling.

"Jungkook, if you don't see her now. You might never see her." Namjoon comes up to me ruffling my hair then smacking the back of my head in a playful manor.

Tears started to fall as I looked at the ground. "Guys... I'm not sure anymore. I was thinking about it last night about, maybe I shouldn't go. She probably hates me and will be depressed. What if I bring up past memories because I miss her so much, and what happens if I kiss her again..." before I could continue my rant I felt warmth surrounding me. I looked up and saw all my friends hugging me.

"I'm not a hugger, but you sort of need one right now." Suga says who is on my left.

"More like 6." Jhope retorted.

I gave a friendly chuckle and looked over to Jin."Ok ok, I think that's enough. Jin could you drop me off?"

"Yeah, just get dressed. I'll meet you down stairs." After what Jin said, the rest of the guys wished me good luck and headed out of the room.

I got dressed in my usual attire and went down stairs.

"Ready?" Jin says as he gets his keys from the kitchen counter.

"Yup, but can we stop somewhere first?" I ask him as I put on my shoes. He looks confused but then just nods.

I get in the cars passenger seat, closing the door behind me. "So where did you want to go?" Jin stares at me as he starts the engine.

"A flower shop." I answer back with a smile. In a way, this reminds me of my first date with Yuna. We didn't do much then, I just remember that I was really nervous and got her these white flowers. I met her at the park and we had dinner. The date wasn't much, but still the best one I've ever had.

"Bye Jin! See ya later!" I wave him off before entering the hospital.

The flowers in my hand are the same ones from our first date. I know she won't remember, but I'll never forget.

Its still early, only 10. The other guys told me her training starts at 12, so I have a lot of time.

I begin to walk down the hall when I notice a nurse coming out from the room Yuna was in.

"Excuse me miss, but is the patient in there perhaps." I tapped the nurse and pointed to the room.

"Ah yes, but be carful. She's sleeping." The nurse puts her index finger up to her lips signaling to be quiet. I nodded and entered the room as quietly as I could.

I look to her bed to see Yuna sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed. She's laying on her right side hugging a pillow in her delicate arms. I have the urge to go up to her and give her kisses all over her face, but I have to resist.

She starts to move around a little so I hurried to the nearest chair. I continue to watch her every breathe, her chest moves up and down in a steady motion. She's the most peaceful I've ever seen her before, it looks as if she has no problems in life; when in reality it's the opposite.

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