Part 12: I Know

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After a tortuous yet short day at school, Minjun dropped me off at home. His class ended before I texted him so he was able to take me home.

"Text me if you need anything!" Minjun said before closing the door to my apartment.

I lay down in the couch with my head resting on top of a pillow. The ringing in my ear has been going on non stop, I take the medication the nurse gave me and swallowed the pills.

I stare at the TV watching nothing but the emptiness of a black screen. I continue to stare at it for a few minutes until I hear my stomach grumble.

I'm too lazy to cook something so I decided to go to the convenience store a few blocks down. I change into a sweatshirt, leggings, and a baseball cap, along with a pair of running shoes. I grab my purse that has my wallet and my keys, exiting my apartment door.

I start to walk down the street listening to music that Taehyung introduced to me, he doesn't have bad taste that's for sure.

I reach the convenience store, opening the front door.

"Welcome!" The cashier says with a bright smile, to which I respond with another smile.

I pick out some instant food while yawning in the process.

Ooh this looks good

"Yuna! Cho Yuna, is that you?!" Someone behind me said, I turn around with multiple types of food in my arms that are about to topple over.

"Um yes... that's me." I respond.

"Do you remember me?" The girl faces me. She's pretty, with long black hair, wide eyes, beautiful smile, toned body...

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I ask, looking confused.

"I texted you a few weeks ago, we also used to be friends." She responds with a bright smile.

So she was the mystery number...

"Oh that was you! The text popped up as a random number, but you seemed to know me so I just responded." I tell her. "But what's your name?"

"Oh.. right, guess I have to reintroduce myself. Hi, I'm Lee Minhee." She takes out her hand for me to shake.

"Hi, Lee Minhee. I guess you already know me." I say shaking her hand.

"How come you don't remember me though... it's only been since 2 years ago." She asks.

"I've had a lot of things going on..." I tell her.

"Ahhh ok. How're things with Jungkook... you still together?" She asks with a ginormous smirk.

"It's complicated..."

"You broke up?" Minhee asks worried.

"No, it's like a break I guess you could say?" I answer unsure. "Let me just buy these and we could talk at my apartment, ok?"

"Oh yeah sounds good, I'm going to buy some stuff too." She says. I nod and head to the cash register.

"Is that all?" The cashier said, I nodded. "Ok, that's 33,000 won."

Did I really buy so much?

"Here you go." I say handing over the money.

"Thank you, have a nice day." She said as she handed over my change. I bowed to her and took my bags filled with groceries off the counter.

I stand next to exit while I wait for Minhee.

I stand there thinking, thinking about how she could help me regain my memories. I lost my chance with Jinsoo, but I won't let this chance slip out of my hands. Then again, I do appreciate having a sort of new friend.

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