Part 10: Help.

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It's dark

It's quiet

It's empty

"Where am I?" I ask myself as I'm cuddled up in the corner of the room, hugging my knees.

I feel my hair. It's dirty. My skin. Covered with bruises and cuts. I look up and see the room illuminating into a blood color.

I get up from the corner and start to look around, but all I see are surgeon tables with sharp tools. Scissors and knives ranging from the smallest to the biggest blades. I see guns as well, along with other types of sharp objects.

I begin to feel even more terrified than I was before. Screams start to fill the room.

I cover my ears and close my eyes, crouching on the ground, but the noises are only getting louder.

The room starts to shake violently, the sharp objects and tables are flying around the room, blades are slicing my skin open left and right, and the screams are becoming even more blood curdling than before. A dark red substance drips from the ceiling onto the walls and onto my skin.

"STOP!" I start to scream, but it's silent.

My voice can't be heard at all, tears are falling down my face rapidly. I can no longer move, my hands are stuck covering my ears as I'm crouching on the floor. My eyes are tightly shut. The  air is becoming more dense, making it harder to breathe. Everything is getting more intense by the second. Until...

Everything stops.

I hear faint footsteps that develop into larger and more intense ones. A door appears to my right, so I face it. A dark figure enters the once chaotic room. I widen my eyes to see the figure, I also noticed an even darker aura escaping his being.

The aura surrounds me, filling me with even more terror than before. The aura enters my body, squeezing my heart, making it difficult for me to breathe or even function properly.

I start to move backwards so that my back is against the wall.

Slowly, the figure moves closer. They become even bigger and more horrifying the more steps they take. As he comes towards me, everything becomes as chaotic as it was before.

The room is shaking violently once again, tools are flying, the blood curdling screams, and I'm back in the position I was in before. Unable to move.

"NOT AGAIN!" I plead.

This time I can be heard.

I wake up drenched in my own sweat, breathing heavily. Tears are running down my face. The pounding of my heart can be heard from a mile away. I tug my hair out of fear.

I turn to my phone and check the time.

4:37 am.

I want.


Need someone with me right now. My brother is a heavy sleeper so even if I call him he won't answer.

I picked up the phone and called the person that was in my mind.

"Hello..." the person says in a sleepy voice.

"Jungkook. Help." Was all I managed to say before breaking down in tears and hanging up the call.

I sit there rocking back and fourth scratching my ears. I'm too scared to hear the noises again, so I feel the need to rip them off.

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