Part 17: Snowflakes

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As I wake up from the obnoxious alarm once more, my eyelids open revealing the sun dancing across the room. I watch the little dust particles float in the sunlight in silence of my room, until I decide to get ready for school.

I sit up on the mattress and my head begins to hurt. I start to remember what happened yesterday, with the memories of the date with Jungkook and the time I spent with Minhee.

I remember that Minhee had to leave 2 hours after we came home from the cafe. I'm very thankful for her.

After the pain starts to cool down I stand up and head to the bathroom to wash up and change.

Half an hour has passed and now it's time to go to the bus stop. I decided not to eat breakfast since my head still hurts.

I grab my keys, jacket, bag, and head out for the bus. As I step out of my place and lock the door behind me, then I start to walk in the direction of the bus stop.

I plug in my headphones as I sit on the bench of the bus stop and start to think about the memories from my mysterious past.

Where those my real memories? Should I try to ask Jungkook? This could be a step closer to get my memories back, maybe I should try to ask Jungkook what our first date was.

The bus arrives and I head to an empty seat where I can think about what to do.

I head to my class trying to spot Jungkook on the way, as I enter the class room I see multiple people, mostly girls, huddling close together laughing at something.

Ignoring their presence I walk past them heading to my seat, although I do feel curious about what they're giggling about.

I hang my bag on the back of the chair as I hear multiple footsteps walk my way.

"Hey Yuna." One of the girls come up to me with a sly smirk.

"Um Hello." I say.

"I bet you were wondering why we were laughing over there." She says, reading my thoughts.

"Uh yeah actually. What were you laughing about?" I ask her curiously.

"At you." She blurts our with no hesitation, bringing up the phone showing a picture of me at one of my worst moments.

In the bathroom with Ara and Jinsoo, the picture they took of me when I was on the ground covered in food.

"How... how did you get that." I ask taking the phone out of her hand looking at it more closely, sighing in defeat.

"Give that back." She rips the phone out of my hand, wiping the scream with the end of her shirt as if my hands contaminated it. "Jinsoo sent it to most of the student body. Your time here will be a living hell now, have fun." She smiles widely as if she accomplished something.

"Are you happy?" I ask looking down at my shoes the lifting my head to meet the girls eyes.

"Wh-what?" She asks taken aback.

"Did I stutter?" I tell her.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She scoffs, looking back to the rest of the classmates behind her that have also witnessed the picture.

"Then let me ask you something else. Are you proud?" I stare deep into the depths of her eyes, the abyss that has been tainted by what she desires to see.

"What does this have anything to do with the picture?" She questions me.

"Everything." I simply state, realizing her defeat she stepped down and went to her desk in front of the class. The rest of the students looked at me in disgust and sat back down as well.

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