Part 23: I Love You

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At the moment Jungkook is driving me somewhere in downtown. He refuses to say anything because he has a feeling he'll give it away. So instead of talking, we're bobbing our heads to the radio.

"I know you don't want to say anything, so just blink once if no and blink twice if yes. Ok?" I insist.

He blinks twice.

"Yay! Ok so... are we close?"

He blinks twice.

"Does it have food?"

He winks.


He blinks twice.

"Ok so you don't know... then does it have to deal with my memories?"

"Oh look we're here!" He dodges the question.

Jungkook parks the car in the parking lot and opens the passenger door for me. I get out of the car and stare at the large building in front of us. "What is this place?"

"A building." He answers with a devious smile.

"I guess you're right... but seriously." I insist.

"Just follow me and you'll see!" He screams as he runs through the parking lot, with open arms like a little kid.

I run with him, side by side until we enter the building. Jungkook nods to the secretary at the front desk and we start heading to elevator. Jungkook presses the top floor bottom, I turn to stare at him confused. "We're going to the roof again?"

"You'll see..."

The elevator door opens and reveals a Helicopter pad... "We're not... are we?" I point to the giant 'H' symbol on the ground.

"Step back!" He yells as the floating mechanism comes down to where we stand, the noise is extremely loud and could probably be heard from a mile a way.

"Are we seriously going on that?" I point at the helicopter in disbelief.

"It's awesome right?" He says while taking my hand. "Come on, it might take off without us." He teases.

We hurry over to the helicopter that has just landed. We both sit in the back seat while the pilot sits in the front. He orders us to where these huge headphones, in order to communicate.

"Ready?" The pilot asks.

"Yeah!" Jungkook and I both say excitedly.

The helicopter begins to incline into the sky. Although it's cold, it doesn't seem as bad anymore. The worries from today seemed to have drifted from my mind.

I look up into the sky and notice the sun setting. I tap Jungkook on the shoulder rapidly to get his attention, once I do, I point to the sun setting. We get higher up and the sun gets lower. Soon enough the sun has set completely and the lights in the city have become more visible.

"Woah..." I say, once agin astonished.

"You seem like you're having fun." Jungkook giggles at my reaction.

"How can I not!? It's so cool! Thank you Jungkook, thank you so much!" I yell against the wind to show my gratitude.

I look down once more and see the lights that we're above, the city has never looked prettier.

After around 30 minutes of flying, we finally reached the ground. "It was nice seeing you guys again. Hope you have fun." The pilot says before leaving the rooftop in his helicopter.

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