Part 22: Someone Like Me

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I wake up in a familiar room. "Ugh" I groan in pain.

I slightly open my eyes, Jungkook gets up from his seat and rushes over to the side of my bed. "Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Yeah. My head really hurts though." I say while sitting up.

He gives a sigh in relief. "Thank god, but what happened. Why were you up there?" He asks still looking concerned, sitting on the bed next to my legs.

I look up and meet his eyes once I remember why I was up there.

"Curiosity killed the cat is what happened." I say while gritting my teeth in anger.

He looks at me confused, trying to make sense of what I mean "what?"

"Never mind."

"I just want to make sure you're ok. By the way, what was the blood earlier. You were bleeding out of your nose and ears." Jungkook asks.

"It was probably from the cold. I was up there for awhile." I tell him the first thing that popped into my head. He looked at me in a unsure way, but then shook it off.

"Ok. I'm just glad you're ok now, let's cancel the date so that you can rest." He gets up from the bed reaching out his hand for me to take.

We both thank the nurse and leave the building to head back home.

"Are you sure you're alright? Do you want me to stay?" Jungkook says in front of my door step dropping me off.

"I'm fine. Thanks for saving me, tell the others I said that as well. Bye." I wave him off before shutting the door.

I head inside and sit on the couch sighing from the events that occurred today. I feel my phone buzz and decide to look at it.

555 *** ****: Jungkook just dropped you off, it's a pity You didn't die up in the roof.

I stare at the text scoffing realizing that it's Jinsoo.

Me: How did you get my number Jinsoo?

Jinsoo: Connections, someone you're close with.

Me: If that's all you want to say then I'm leaving.

Jinsoo: Before you do, make sure you do one thing for me.

Me: why would I do that?

Jinsoo: you don't remember our deal on the roof?

I almost forgot... I promised Jinsoo I would do anything she wanted in exchange for her keeping my coma a secret.

Me: Ok what do you want?

Jinsoo: For now something simple. Just the answers to the homework that were given to us yesterday, but their due tomorrow.

Me: Ok, why?

Jinsoo: I didn't do it. Not everything I do has to have an evil motive.

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