No. 75

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Just like Sirius across the other side of the castle, Emmeline found that sleep evaded her too. It was a deadly cycle of tossing and turning then seeing Ora's empty bed which only made the pit of worry and dread in her stomach intensify even further. She'd been assured that Ora finding out about her feelings wasn't the reason the girl had ran. Deep down she knew that whilst Ora would definitely be somewhat shocked by it, it wasn't enough to make her leave yet her mind wouldn't let her let this go for some reason. By the time the world's most fitful sleep ever came to an end, Emmeline was truly at the bottom of what had already been a terrible few months.

However, all traces of sleepiness seemed to vanish without a trace when she suddenly remembered Flitwick might have information on Ora's whereabouts. As it turned out he didn't, instead giving her a very half-hearted detention before sending her on her way.

The rest of the day was spent trapped in her own mind, looking back at how everything could have gone differently had she just been honest. Perhaps if she'd just told Ora the moment she'd realised they could have figured it out together. Perhaps if she'd pay closer attention to Ora rather than fretting about the truth coming out and toying with Sirius' mind for no other reason than pettiness, she would have noticed the signs that everything was wrong. But it wasn't easy, she'd been scared especially as the feelings had put the past and literally who she was into question. Yet Marlene had done it, had held up her end of their deal to move on and had been much better off for it. 

Deep down, Emmeline knew that Sirius would probably understand her the best. After all, they both had fallen for Ora hard and from what Mary said in class, he was also making himself sick with worry. Yet that was never going to happen because neither wanted it and really, Emmeline knew that he wasn't the one she wanted to talk to.

She wanted so desperately to speak to Ora but she was gone.

Ora could be selfish and downright unpredictable at times but she cared, even if sometimes she was stupidly bad at going about it. The whole reason she'd done this digging and danced the devil's tango with Marlene was to figure out what was up with Emmeline so she could understand. She was her best friend and even if it hadn't been healthy, she was all Emmeline felt like she had really. Nobody else had been by her side all this time, shining so brightly that Emmeline couldn't help but fall in love. She'd made Ora her everything and now that she'd disappeared and stopped shining, Emmeline felt like she was falling apart.

Even if Ora returned there was no guarantee she'd ever want to speak to her again so the nightmare might keep continuing. Still, the no talking to other people thing began to get ridiculous to said other people and eventually, Marlene approached her. Right now though, her feelings towards Marlene were ridiculously complex too, an odd mix of resentment and jealousy so the encounter was ... turbulent to say in the least.

"Okay, I brought you stolen roast potatoes from the kitchens," Marlene said, randomly slamming a plate down in front of Emmeline. Supper had long since been cleared away but Emmeline hadn't been in the mood to eat or move for that matter - Marlene had other plans it seemed, "You can sit and stew all you want but this is too far. Eat."

She pushed the plate in front of Emmeline who quickly slid it back, "Thanks but I'm not very hungry."

Silence passed between them before Marlene awkwardly said, "She'll be back soon, don't worry. Everyone needs some time to process ... I guess this is hers although it is quite dramatic. I mean, you know her best but ... that sounds comforting ... and true. You should eat..." At this, she picked up the fork, dropping it into Emmeline's loosely curled fingers, "There... eat."

 Emmeline didn't reply to this, unsure of what to say which Marlene took as a sign to continue, "So ... um, good few days ... sometimes ... er, being alone can be nice. You really get to know yourself - "

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