The burning hot water poured down as Aliyah stood, frozen cold. Vera's words from last night ran through her head. Aliyah's mother was a lot of things, but a whore, was not one of them. How dare that woman say such things about her mother? And all from the simple rumours that flew through the aristocratic society at the time of her parent's divorce. She clenched her hands and gritted her teeth. But then, a sudden sense of gloom crept through her body. Why was she getting hurt over a woman she had last seen when she was 13? A woman, who certainly did not give a rat's arse about her? But, before she had the chance to sort through her scattered thoughts and feelings, the bathroom door slammed open. She squealed, turning around, trying to hide her modest areas with her small, slender hands.

"Oh, be quiet."

"Oh my God! What are you doing?" She exclaimed, distraught. She peaked over her shoulder to see the slender, shirtless back of a Seif, unzipping his pants. Her eyes lingered on his pert, firm, gorgeous buttocks for a few seconds, before she clenched them shut and turned back around. What am I doing? Then, she heard the sound of liquid hit the toilet basin. He's peeing! Had she not locked the door?

"Could you not have waited, like a civilised person, until I had finished showering?" She asked through clenched teeth. Her cheeks flushed as she squirmed, trying to hide her butt. The sound of his urine hitting the toilet continued, as an awkward silent settled. Maybe, it was only awkward for her. Clearly, he had no shame. She suddenly felt very hot, and the burning water pouring on her body did not help either. She turned off the pouring water.

"Can you stop squirming? It's making it very difficult for me to concentrate."

Aliyah's eyes grew as she gasped. Was he facing her? She swiftly peaked over her shoulders again, to check. And yes, a smirking Seif was sitting proudly on the toilet, like a king on his throne. He didn't have to sit! Why couldn't he stand like a normal person? Aliyah internally groaned. Just to get on my nerves. She made a painful, brief eye contact with him before quickly turning around again. She internally made a short prayer to God, asking, no begging, for the steam to cloud his view. And, possibly blind him for all of eternity, too. The only other person she had ever experienced peeing, was of course the ever-so humble, Evangeline Kortzias, on many sober and non-sober occasions. That girl just didn't seem to care. "Can you please, at least, avert your gaze?" She asked hesitantly, her eyes clenched and her cheeks flushed.

She heard him laugh, loudly. "My dear wife." He began, spitting out the endearment as if it were poison on his tongue. "I have seen many naked female bodies, and I do mean more than you could count on both of your hands and feet, and compared to theirs, yours is merely just a sack of potatoes." He scoffed. "Trust me, I'm not even looking. Stop getting your panties in a twist." And then he laughed again at the thought of her lack of panties. 

She felt her body flush, and her heart skip a beat. She crossed her arms around herself, bowing her head slightly. It felt futile attempting to cover-up her behind. Don't cry. She felt a heavy sense of despair fill her heart and she bit her bottom lip. Why, that  pig. She huffed, clenching her teeth. He was mocking her. Please, don't cry.

The sound of flowing water finally dripped to and end, and she heard Seif zipping up his pants and flushing the toilet. Once she heard the door shut, she slowly straightened up and let out the painful breath she was holding.

At least, she didn't cry.


Laughter, overlapping conversations, and the sound of knives and forks scraping against plates filled the air. The long dinner table was filled with an assortment of food, from exotic fruit salads to freshly baked pies and tarts. Any one, with any taste, could find something that could satisfy them, there.

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