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"We're good." Yousef replied, hugging George back.

"Just, chilling. You know how we be." Aidan replied taking a seat. "How are you guys? Still as fucked up as ever? With the exception of you Aysel, of course." He winked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Goodbye, Aidan. Please, leave." Aysel sweetly replied.

"My God! Are you guys hearing this? Aysel is actually being sassy. Not gonna lie, it's quite hot." Aidan growled at her as she yelped.

Everyone laughed. Aliyah looked up smiling, and immediately her gaze locked with Yousef's. Her heart skipped a beat. He sent her a sad smile, and she smiled back, before averting her gaze back towards the group. Her heart beat in sadness. They had been friends for over three years and now, were acting like strangers. She swallowed, trying to get rid of her dry throat.

"Are you still wrestling?" Tyrone asked Aidan.

"Yeah boy! But, because Yousef over here is such a pussy, father has asked me to take over the firm in Egypt. So, I barley have time for that. In fact, I have to fly there tomorrow." He said sadly.

"I'm not a pussy, you dick. I already have a job."

"Photography isn't a real job." George joked.

"Yeah. Why don't you leave the talking to us big boys. Okay, baby brother?" Aidan said as he ruffled Yousef's hair.

"Pretty sure I came out before you." Yousef replied, pouring himself some water.

"Wait, I never came out of the closet! Yousef, doll, are you gay?" Aidan feigned wonder. "Is this you coming out?"

"Men who use words like 'doll' to refer to other men don't even need to come out. We can tell."

"Ah, same old same old." George began, sighing in content. "The twins are arguing, Aysel is still drinking virgin, Evangeline is- well Evangeline, Luca is-"

"-still absent? As per usual?" Aidan interrupted, smiling. "Yep, its good to have the gang back."

"Where is Luca, anyway?" Behati asked.

"Pretty sure he's in Germany right now. I don't know. Can't keep track of that guy." George shrugged his shoulders.

"Why don't we do this more often man? Everyone's so busy busy." Tyrone stated, leaning back.

"Oh, we do, do this. You're simply never invited." Evangeline smirked, leaning in. Tyrone rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted. "Fellow friends, enemies, ex-lovers, I have an announcement to make." Evangeline began, dramatically. Every single person, present at that table, and quite possibly even the ones sitting at the neighbouring tables, simultaneously, rolled their eyes. "Louis Vuitton is holding their Autumn/Winter show this weekend in Milan. Who wants to come?" No one replied. "Guys, don't be ridiculous. It'll be fun!" Still, no replies. "Fine. Fuck you snakes. I will just take my other friends."

"By friends, do you mean your boy-toys?" George smirked.

"Your victims?" Aidan added.

"Your sub-" Tyrone began, but was interrupted again by a huffing Evangeline.

"Okay. I get it. I have a lot of sex. And you don't. Boo hoo."

"Hey! We also have a lot of sex." Aidan exclaimed.

"Yeah. We just don't feel the need to shag everything that has a phallic shape." Tyrone stated.

"And, neither do we feel the need to often catch chlamydia and all sorts of other sexually transmitted diseases for the LOLs." Aidan added.

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