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"Violin practise?" Aysel asked.

"Not today."

"Mathletics?" Behati guessed.

"Nope. I actually wish. No, today, I have the pleasure of attending a play-date with fucking NASA."

"The parents?" Aliyah asked, although she knew the answer.

"Who else would enlighten my life like this, ever so graciously, every fucking day?" Rinko grumbled. "I'm using your bathroom." She walked towards Aliyah's bedroom.

"How has it been 21 years, and the astute Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki are still clueless about their daughter?" Aliyah wondered out loud.

"She just plays Hannah Montana so fucking well." Behati replied, taking a drag from her second cigarette.

"With a zero precent slip up rate. I envy the levels of extra she goes through when deceiving her parents. Just to be who she wants to be." Aysel added, fanning away the smoke that began surrounding her. Behati stuck out her tongue and this time Aysel rolled her eyes.

"For a girl who doesn't care much, she cares a lot about being true to her self. Despite her strict parents." Aliyah stated, sighing, lost in thought.

"Don't you dare laugh." A Rinko, dressed in a sheer white blouse, over which she wore a brown blazer, paired with a plaid brown and beige skirt, and a pair of nude platform heels, had emerged. Her raven-black hair was neatly brushed down and her usual dark makeup replaced with an au natural up-do. The three girls gaped, before bursting into laughter.

"Sorry...but...every...fucking time man...I can't control it..." Aliyah managed to say in between her bursts of laughter.

"Damn! Who let the sexy librarian out?" Behati teased. Rinko snatched the cigarette out of Behati's hand and inhaled it deeply. "Sorry, ma'm, but I promise to return my books. Please don't give me detention!" The dark, brooding Rinko now looked more innocent than Aysel. "There is so much wrong in this world."

"How do you put up with this?" Aliyah asked, laughing.

"Bite me." Rinko rolled her eyes, taking another drag.

"Gladly, Miss. But first, can I check you out." Aysel added with a wink. All laughter stopped and the girls eyed her. More fits of laughter then erupted.

"Ew. No. Please never speak again, Aysel." Rinko blew a ring of smoke.

"You're so bad at this." Aliyah exclaimed.

"My abs!" Behati shouted in pain. "I can't."

"Right." Rinko announced, disapprovingly. She stubbed out the cigarette, retrieved a perfume bottle from her bag, sprayed away the smoke scent, and with a sarcastic "that's my cue", she left.

The laughter died down and the three girls collapsed against each other.

"Wait. What were you guys doing here, anyways?" Aliyah, suddenly wondered.

"Well," Behati started hesitantly. "We came to see you silly. Duh."

"Yes, obviously." Aysel added, smiling nervously.

"Ew that's cute guys- hang on. How did you know I would be here? Guys! Do you break into my apartment often?" Aliyah exclaimed, sitting up.

"What?" Behati laughed, nervously, also sitting up. "How dare you degrade Attica by calling her an apartment?" Seeing that Aliyah didn't look too pleased, she added a: "Breaking in? God you make it sound like a crime."

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