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The bright sunlight shining into her room awoke Aliyah from her deep slumber. She yawned and stretched in her bed; her silky top riding up her belly. What time is it? Grabbing her phone, she groaned when she saw the 6:00 flashing on her lock screen. What on bloody earth was she doing up this early? She sighed, looking towards the beach – yes, she slept with the door open because she enjoyed watching the deep blue tides roll in and out of the beach before falling asleep to it. She realised then, that she could not have picked a worse room. As her room was the furthest away from the entrance – it being directly opposite – it was the only one facing East. So she had the pleasure of being awakened by the sun every fucking morning. She jumped back into bed and pulled the duvet over her head. Urgh! But, the sun still managed to seep in. She sat back up, annoyed. Today was the fifth time that she had been awakened at such an ungodly hour. Although, it was Xiomara and not the sun that had marked the first time. Her cheek slightly throbbed at the thought of that morning. The bruise on her cheek had become paler – however, thank Christian for Diorskin Forever Undercover foundation!

Well, time for another run. Aliyah changed into a pair of running shorts and a tank top. She laced up her trainers and walked towards the mirror. She cringed at her reflection.

Thank God, she made sure to throw up last night after her meal with Rafael. God, he always made her eat so much. Just as the day before, they had yet again spent the whole of yesterday in Skopelos – shopping, riding the ferry, Rafael had even rented out some Jet skis – it had been fun. However, the thing with a full day outing was that she couldn't purge after the meals. It was too public. Aliyah groaned thinking back to yesterday's lunch and the Lobster Linguini she had eaten. Too many, too many calories that she could have gone without. She decided then and there to avoid hanging out with Rafael often - he was bad for her diet.

Aliyah's stomach suddenly grumbled loudly. It wanted breakfast. But, she knew exactly what she had to do. You see, the stomach is always hungry in the morning. Especially, because there had been such a long gap since its last meal. But, it only needed a taste.

Aliyah walked into the kitchen. Fluids. They were the easiest. She grabbed all sorts of fruits and vegetables and juices from the fridge. She never, ever drank juice from concentrate - because the sugar levels in them were ridiculously high. But it was okay now because it wouldn't be in her stomach for too long. Placing them into the blender, she turned the machine on. Then, grabbing some Protein powder that she had purchased from a merchant at a health shop, she scooped a cup into the blender – rather than eating meat it was much easier to just drink her protein. Also, because it was worth less calories. Grabbing a bottle of Fiji, she downed the whole thing. Drinking water before eating a meal was crucial. You have to drink water before, after, and periodically whilst you're eating. Because it made it easier. She checked to see if the smoothie had any chunks in it - because chunks were very hard to regurgitate. Chunks, meat, bread, most fast foods and peanut butter were notably difficult to purge. Google said so.

"Well, aren't you up early today, miss?" Aliyah smiled, recognising the voice and looked up to see that Rafael was leaning against the wall in just a pair of shorts. His hair was a mess and he looked as if he came straight from bed – which he must have done. Aliyah slightly glanced at his body, which was more than impressive, but made sure to quickly look back at his face. She had no place ogling anyone here.

"For your information, Mr I-Cried-Watching-Mamma-Mia, I am always up this early." She flashed him a saccharine smile whilst retrieving two glasses and giggling.

Rafael narrowed his eyes at her. "I did not cry-"

"That's not what the water rolling down your cheeks suggested."

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