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Aliyah put a forkful of the fried rice into her mouth, looking intently at her plate. She could feel eyes on her, but forced her self to swallow the food. Her knuckles became white from gripping onto the fork too tightly. Frankly, she didn't even have an appetite. 

"Oh my God. Slow down you fat cow. No one will finish the food on your plate. Don't worry." Xiomara said, looking utterly disgusted at Aliyah. A few others also made sounds of disgust. 

"I can't believe there is no salad!" Celeste exclaimed. Aliyah flinched. "I understand clearly you do not eat anything carb-less, but we do. We're not all on the road to obesity. From tomorrow, have salad with every course."

Aliyah nodded her head and gulped, swallowing the few grains of rice that remained in her mouth. She really wanted to leave the room, but found herself cemented to her seat. 

"Actually, I think I'm losing my appetite looking at you eat." Kasper stated dropping his fork onto the plate. Aliyah bit her lower lip.

"Oh, so that's what it was!" Seif exclaimed. "No wonder. I was wondering as to why I was feeling extra nauseous in her presence today." Laughter erupted in the room. Distinctively, Aliyah could hear Celeste's screeching hyena-like laughter and wanted to grimace. 

"Oh my God! Seif!" She screeched, again. Aliyah's heart froze. "Did you see that bitch-glare she just gave me?" Celeste grabbed Seif's arm as everyone's attention returned to Aliyah. Her heartbeat picked up. She looked at Celeste and then at Seif, slightly shaking her head. Celeste was lying! Aliyah only glanced at her for a second before returning her gaze to her plate.  

"This bitch needs to be taught a lesson." Xiomara said through gritted teeth. "She doesn't know her place." 

"I want an apology!" Celeste said, with a sob. 

"But, I didn't-"

"Wow." Emmet exclaimed. "Now, she's talking back."

"Yes, but-" Aliyah's plea was cut off by hoots of "Woah!" and other profanities. 

"Apologise." Seif's harsh voice cut through the noise of the crowd.

Aliyah, wide-eyed, let her jaw drop. She couldn't believe this - she did nothing wrong. But, she couldn't stand up for herself. No, not in this room. "I'm sorry." She whispered, but not before Seif cut in.


"I'm sorry." Aliyah said, quietly. 

"I wont ask one more time. Louder,"

Aliyah cleared her throat. "I'm sorry." She repeated, again. 

"I'm sorry, for what?" Seif said with a stern voice.

She gulped. "I'm sorry for glaring at you, Celeste. Please, accept my apology."

Her pride? What of it? 


"Rafa, about earlier, what did you mean that Xio should keep her hands to herself?" Seif asked as he poured himself a glass of Jim Beam and stood slightly in front of Rafa. The group of men were waiting in the living room for the girls to get ready for their evening escapades. Rafael gave him a stern look, locking his jaws. "Tell me."


"Rafa." Seif said with a warning to his tone. But, Rafael knew that his best friend wouldn't act on it, ever. 

"Not that you would have realised, but, Aliyah has a giant bruise on her right cheek. She's covered it up with makeup. And, I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Xiomara. When I spoke to her about it, she freaked out and told me it was nothing." 

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