~How The Two of You Met~ Toddy Smith

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You laid on your couch, cuddled up in blankets with empty ice cream cartons all around you. You had been watching those romantic movies that made you cry for hours like The Notebook, Titanic, Me Before You, etc. for about three days now. You recently caught your boyfriend of two years cheating on you. You had been away for a week while you visited your family back in (Y/H/T) and you got home a few hours early and decided to go surprise him. When you had walked in, you heard some giggling and a girl moaning which automatically made you nervous. You followed the sounds to your boyfriend's bedroom. Once you opened the door, you saw him on top of some girl. You had a huge fight and you immediately broke up with him as he followed you to your car, begging for forgiveness.

    So here you were, two weeks later and still in the same position. You went M.I.A which caused your best friend to freak out and come over to check on you. She walked into your apartment, giving you a pitiful look as she caught a glimpse of you.

"(Y/N), it has been two weeks. You can't give him the satisfaction of being depressed, you need to get out there, meet someone hotter!" She sighed while slumping down on the couch next to you.

    "(Y/F/N), I was with him for two years. I can't just get out there within two weeks." You whined. She wasn't going to take it, and you knew that too. She stood up, quickly and turned to grab your arm. You reluctantly followed, but you were well aware that she wasn't about to give up. You sat on your bed as she rummaged through your closet looking for an outfit. Eventually she pulled out your skin tight white v-neck dress that showed off your boobs and ass. "Damn, this is sexy! Why haven't you worn this before?" She asked with enthusiasm. You simply shrugged your shoulders. You bought it for a date night with your ex on your anniversary, but now that wasn't going to happen.

    She quickly began to transform you from the slob you had been for weeks now. After about two hours, she was finally done. She handed you a black leather jacket and some matching black heels. She only took about 45 minutes to get ready, cause this bitch came prepared.

    "We are going to have fun, trust me!" She squealed as she drove to the club. You gave her a sarcastic smile and some thumbs up. She rolled her eyes while laughing, and turned the music up louder. Within 30 minutes, you arrived at the club. Your friend parked the car close by and you both quickly got into the line. Your friend flirted with a bunch of guys while in line and tried to get you to interact with them, but you just ignored her. It was getting a bit cold and you begun to feel miserable.

    You made it into the club and your best friend immediately gave you a bunch of shots. You knocked them back because why not? You're here now, might as well get drunk as fuck. A few shots later, the two of you went onto the dance floor. The two of you were dancing and having a lot of fun when you felt a body get closer to you. Your friend's eyes grew bigger when she saw the guy. "He's hot!!!!!!" She mouthed before turning away and dancing with some other guy. You didn't know why, but you decided to grind on the guy behind you.

    As songs went by, he hadn't left and you became curious as to what he looked like, so you turned to face the stranger you were twerking on. You met eyes with the most beautiful guy you had ever seen in your life. He was tall, tan, and had shiny white teeth. His dark brown hair was styled up and he was dressed in a suit, which made him look really sexy.

"Hi, I'm Todd." He tried to yell over the loud music. "(Y/N)" You grabbed his hand and put it on the smalls of your back. He pulled you in closer and you begun to feel him grow a bit underneath, which caused you to look down and smirk back up at him.

    "I'm sorry, you're just really goddamn sexy..." He nervously laughed. "Why don't we go back to my place?" You pulled him down lower so you could whisper in his ear. He eagerly nodded. You led him out of the club and caught a cab outside.

    The rest of the night was a blur but when you woke up the next day, you were naked laying next to Todd, who was still fast asleep. You slowly got out of bed and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. Todd eventually woke up and came out to meet you.

"Good morning, last night was a lot of fun." He smirked as he began to look at your body.

"Maybe we can do that again sometime?" You leaned forward on the counter, getting close to his face. "Round two?" You bit your lip as he walked towards you.


This one kinda sucks but....yeah.......

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