Chapter Three

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'Please buckle your seat belts, we are approaching the ground' the overhead on the plane said.

I was so excited to see my boy. I quickly clicked my seatbelt in and brushed my hair and dabbed a little of make up on. You never know Niall's new boy band mates may have high expectations. I am super nervous about meeting them, what if they don't like me? What it they don't accept me?

As we were getting closer and closer to the ground, I got more nervous. We finally touched ground, and stopped. I reached for my carryon bags, and exited the plane. I entered the airport building and collected my luggage.

Text to Niall: 'Hey babe, I just arrived where are you? Xx'

Text from Niall: 'Okay! In the waiting room, come as soon as you can, I'm waiting Xx'

I smiled and chucked my Iphone back in my purse. I walked over to the waiting room; just before I opened the door I took a deep breath then peered inside. There he was, wow he looked hot. He must have got a makeover, he so didn't need too. Four other boys were standing around. I took another deep breath before entering the waiting room.

'Sophia!' Niall screamed and ran over to me. He lifted me up by my waist and squeezed tightly.

'I missed you so so much.' I whispered to him.

'Me too' he whispered back before pecking me on the cheek.

One of the boys cleared his throat, 'Excuse Me'

'Sorry,' I chuckled before finally letting go of Niall's grip.

They laughed.

‘Hey, my name is Liam’ Liam said as he walked up to me to shake my hand. I smiled politely.

‘Hey there beautiful, I’m Zayn, Niall has told me so much about you.’ Zayn winked as he gave me a soft hug. I chuckled, slightly worrying that Niall has told him more than I wanted him too.

Another boy walked up to me and gave me a hug, ‘Hey, I’m Louis’ He said.

Lastly, another boy walked up to me, ‘Hey there, I’m Harry, very nice to meet you.’ He said while shaking my hand. Un-expectedly he pulled me into a hug and gave a slight peck on the cheek. I blushed a little before whispering in his ear ‘Calm down, big boy.’ He pulled back and winked before walking off to join the others.

I turned around to see Niall giving Harry a death stare, I made him stop by saying, ‘So, where will I be staying?’

‘My house?’ Harry said loudly.

I smirked, ‘Nah, I think my little apartment will do’ Niall smiled and held my hand. We walked out of the airport and said our goodbyes to the other boys. Harry caught Niall and whispered in his ear ‘Have fun’ he winked. I blushed; I don’t think Harry knew I could hear. I giggled at the thought. We caught a Taxi to Niall’s apartment.

We arrived and Niall placed his hand on my back, we walked up to his front door. Niall opened the door and threw his arm out wide, ‘Well, welcome to my apartment’ He said with a big grin, ‘It’s not that great, but I hope it’s good enough just for a while for you staying here, is it clean enough? I tried tidying up; I don’t know if it’s that great. Just remember there is food and drinks in the kitchen and just help yourse—‘ I put my hand over his mouth, ‘Babe, it’s absolutely fine, I love it.’ I warned him, I could so tell he was nervous.

I kissed him on the cheek, before entering the house. ‘Where will I put these?’ I said holding up my luggage. ‘Well, you can either sleep in my room or the guest bedroom?’ He stated. I winked, ‘your room’ I said and giggled. He smiled, ‘Right this way, madam.’ He lead me up the stairs and passed a few rooms then finally reached his room. Wow, he did clean very well. I giggled and placed my suit cases down next to his bed.

‘Want to watch a movie?’ Niall asked.

‘I’d love too.’ I smiled before following him down to the lounge room.

He clicked play and said ‘so, your birthday is tomorrow, excited?’

‘Excited? Super excited! How will we be spending the day tomorrow?’ I asked.

‘Whatever you want to do. I just need you for tomorrow night, I’m taking you out.’ He said, suspiciously.

‘Rightio’ I laughed.

*Beep Beep*

I reached for my phone that was placed on the coffee table. ‘Hey?’ I asked since it was an unknown call.

‘Hey girl! It’s Liam’s girlfriend Danielle! I’m so excited to hear that you are here! Niall has told me so much about you, and you honestly sound like such a sweet and fun girl! Oh and I heard it’s your birthday tomorrow! Got any plans? I wanna’ take you shopping! Oh, he is also planning this cute date thing tomorrow night for you! And we so have to get a dress for you to wear! You have to look super hot for romantic Niall! Oh sugar, sorry. I’m sort of rushing things, we haven’t even met yet. Sorry!’ She pleaded.

I giggled, ‘Hey Danielle, it’s so nice to hear from you. It doesn’t matter, I’m sure we will get on fine, and I would love to go shopping with you tomorrow. Sounds perfect.’ I smiled. Niall’s eyes shot up as soon as I said Danielle.

‘Oh, few. Thank You. I’m so glad that you are here in London, it’s so good to have another girl with me now, and do you know what it’s like being stuck with 5 boys all the time? Time to have some girl time, I reckon!’ She happily said.

‘Wow that must suck! I’m looking forward to it.’ I smiled.

‘That’s great, I’ll pick you up from Niall’s house at 9 tomorrow morning’ she beamed.

‘Sounds good, see you then.’ I smiled and hung up.

‘Who was that?’ Niall asked.

‘Oh, just Danielle, we are going shopping tomorrow for my birthday, so excited’ I grinned.

‘Have fun, she is a lot of fun and very talkative’ He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

I gave him a light punch in the arm. ‘She is lovely, don’t pay her out.’ I teased.

‘Sure is’ he winked.

We continued watching the movie, as thoughts ran through my head. I’m pretty sure these boys do like me and clearly Danielle does to. I am really loving it here and really don’t want to leave.

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