THE CRUISE (Wynonna's POV)

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I heard the alarm going off beside my head as I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the cold metal. I groaned and rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I looked back at the bed to see Doc spread out across the sheets in only his tank top and boxers. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door and climbed into the shower. After I finished my business I got into a tank top, black jeans and a leather jacket. I slowly walked over to the bed and climbed in next to Doc. I shook his shoulder carefully and he jolted awake. 

"Who the hell." He reached to the bedside table and grabbed a knife and pointed it at me. He took a deep breath and threw the knife back on the table and brushed his hair out of his face.

"God Wynonna you scared me half to death.

I laughed. "Don't be so jumpy."

He rolled out of bed and grabbed a jacket and pulled it on. "Is today the day of the cruise?" He said quietly as he applied his deodorant. 

"Why yes it is. A full week away from demons and purgatory, a week of paradise on the wide open sea." 

"Sounds lovely." He walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet and pulled out cereal and poured it into a bowl. "So what time do we have to leave Earp?"

"In about 45 minutes, so eat fast. We also have to pick up Nicole and Waverly at Nicole's house. So hurry up." 

He ate his cereal and pulled his boots on then grabbed his suitcase and headed for the door. When I didn't follow him he walked back inside and raised his eyebrow. "Are you coming or not?" 

I grabbed peacemaker off of the counter and shoved it in my boot and walked to the car. I climbed in the driver's seat since Doc was still not the best driver in the world. I pulled out of the homestead driveway and headed towards Nicole's little house in the corner of town. 

Oh and I forgot to tell you, Nicole, Waverly, Doc, and I are going on a week long cruise to get away from all the demon shits in Purgatory. We also thought it would be a nice time of year to finally get a break, since we work everyday of the year. And Dolls is still at the police station so he can watch the town until we get back. 

I drove with the windows down and rock music blaring from the car. I bobbed my head to the music as I pulled up to Nicole's house. She opened the door and Waverly was standing right next to her. They had 2 suitcases each and they ran to the car and started to shove them in the trunk. I stepped out to help them and I looked at how packed they were. 

"Jesus, Go over the weight limit much? We are only going to be on this boat for a week."

Waverly shrugged. "I like to have at least two outfits for everyday, just incase something terrible happens." 

I shut the trunk and they climbed into the backseat of the car as I climbed back into the drivers seat and took off. 

"So how far did you say this boat was away from here?" Nicole said. 

"About 2 hours, that's the closest shoreline." I said. 

Everyone got quiet and I turned up the music and rolled down all the windows once again. We drove in silence as we listened to music and watched the town go by. I pulled into the beach parking lot and parked my car. I paid the due for a week of parking and we hurried down to the shore of the beach. I took off my shoes and let my feet sink into the warm sand. I reached over and grabbed Doc's hand and we walked towards the entrance to the boat. I looked behind us and Waverly and Nicole were taking pictures of the ocean and the sea life they saw along the way. 

I rolled my eyes. "You two are such tourists." 

"At least we like to keep memories." Nicole laughed. 

"Okay, enough with the pictures, let's board this bitch." 

We walked up to the ticket booth and handed the man all of our tickets.

"Is this your guys first cruise?"

Waverly smiled and nodded. 

"Well isn't that amazing, This boat is actually one of the most used boats and it has been around since the Titanic movie was made, Trust me, this boat is very safe though and we have enough gas to last us a year. So you guys can just walk up this path and then to your right will be a lobby where you can get your room keys. Thank you and I hope you enjoy your week long trip!" 

Everyone shook the man's hand and we walked up the long and very creaky path. I looked around at the large boat and people were taking pictures everywhere, There were kids running around and playing with their friends. There were people eating burgers and sushi and families just spending time together. The smell of food washed over me and it smelt absolutely delicious, you could smell the seafood and burgers and French fries from every inch of the boat. We walked up to the lobby and I smiled at the woman who was behind the desk.

"Hello my name is Wynonna Earp, I am here to get our room keys for Doc Holiday, Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught." 

The woman typed in the names on the computer and smiled. "Let me grab your keys." 

She bent down and then came back up minutes later with 2 keys in her hand. "There you go, top floor, enjoy your stay!" 

I tossed Nicole a key and we walked towards our rooms looking at all the decorations as we passed. 

I could tell this Cruise was going to be absolutely amazing. Especially since no demons were allowed on board. 

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