THE WAR (Wynonna's POV)

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I rolled over and felt sand all over my body. I woke up and groaned when I saw my whole body covered head to toe with sand. I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked over and saw that everyone else was covered in sand also, everyone was also in only their underclothing, including myself. I guess we immediately fell asleep after swimming almost all last night.

I stood up and ran over to the water and dunked myself into the freezing cold ocean. I shivered as I walked back onto the sand and pulled my clothes on. I looked around the beach and saw that everyone was still fast asleep. Ever since we got on this island I have lost track of how many days we had been here and what the time was. I sat back down on the tree next to Doc, once he heard me he woke up slowly and looked up at me. I was sitting on the tree with my head in my hands. He sat up and pulled himself up so he could sit next to me.

"What's wrong with you?" He said quietly.

"I want to go home, I am sick of staying on this island."

"Couldn't agree with you more." He rubbed sand off his face and threw it against the ground. I looked around and saw Nicole starting to roll around on the sand. She sat up quickly and looked down at her body. She jumped to her feet and looked around.

I smiled. "Memories from when you woke up naked?"

She nodded. "What the hell happened last night."

"Guess we swam all night and had a blast." I said.

Nicole grabbed Waverly's hand and she started to sit up. She looked down at herself and brushed the sand off of her. Everyone was finally starting to wake up when we heard a rumbling noise coming from the trees.

I spun around and pulled peacemaker from my boot. I looked around and saw a person emerge from the bushes. It was another weak person. He started to run at me and Doc launched at him causing him to fall on the ground. He jumped to his feet and Doc continued to throw punches at him. While Doc was occupied with the person I saw another person come out of the bushes and Nicole went running at him. A third person emerged from the bushes and Waverly smiled.

"On it." She said

"Careful!" I said as she started to attack the man.

A woman came out of the trees and Jeremy ran towards her. She was actually one of the weaker revenants so Jeremy had a fair fight. A tall man walked out from the trees and ran towards me. Everyone was fighting one person at a time until another woman ran from the bushes and came straight at me. I punched the man in the throat causing him to fall backwards. I spun around and kicked the girl in the chest so she stumbled back. I could hear groans and screams coming from all around. The man jumped at me and I decked him in the face causing him to bleed. I threw the girl against the ground again and before she could get up I held my gun at her head and shot. The pit opened and she began her journey back to hell. I spun around and grabbed the man's hand before he could punch me. I twisted his arm which made him scream. I heard Waverly's voice from beside me

"Wynonna help!"

I turned around to see the man punch Waverly in the face. I pushed the man to the ground and ran over to Waverly and kicked the man to the ground, loaded my gun and shot. Waverly ran over to Jeremy after the man finished his journey back to hell. They were now fighting the woman together as I tried to finish off the man. I heard a gun shot and Nicole was still throwing punches at the bleeding man. I once again punched the man and ran over to Nicole so I could send her revenant back to hell. I loaded my gun once again and smiled. "Make your peace"

I shot him and the pit opened once again. I ran back towards the man I was fighting and I pressed him into the sand and stepped on his neck. I pressed my gun against his head and shot, I was then pulled backwards and I fell onto the ground. I was gasping for breath as I looked up to see one of the stronger revenants. I rolled out of his punch and straight over to Waverly and Jeremy. They had the man on the ground and I was ready to shoot. As soon as I got there I saw the stronger man running after me, I quickly reloaded the gun and shot then decked the man in the face. His eyes turned a deep red and he threw a hard punch at my face which I immediately dodged. Waverly and Jeremy ran over to Doc to begin helping him with the last person as Nicole began to fight the revenant I was dealing with. Nicole kicked his back so he flew towards me and I kicked him hard against the ground. He pulled himself to his feet and growled.

"You really think you can kill me?" He screamed as his face turned bright red. Nicole took out her gun and shot him so he lunged forwards, I grabbed my gun and pressed it against his head, the cold metal sizzled on his skin as he began to burn. I shot quickly and he returned back to hell where he belonged. I ran over to Doc and threw him to the side, he stumbled over on the sand and held his arm where the revenant had punched him. I stepped on his neck so hard I heard it crack and he went unconscious. I grabbed my gun and shot him. I was pretty much used to killing all these people now.

I looked around and everything became quiet again, I looked at everyone and they were dripping in blood and sweat. I saw another man emerge from the bushes and everyone ran after him, he looked like one of the weaker men. Nicole pushed him to the ground and started throwing punches left and right. Waverly grabbed Nicoles gun and held it against his head and when he punched Waverly, she shot. I grabbed my gun and shot him. I smiled 9 weak ones to go, 4 strong ones.

The bushes started rumbling again and three more of the weaker men ran out. I ran towards one and Doc ran towards the other. Jeremy ran towards the ocean because he never ran towards a fight. Nicole and Waverly ran head first at the other man. I tackled the man to the ground and twisted his arm so far behind his back he began to scream, I was surprised we were actually able to handle this many people coming at us at once. I threw the man against the ground and decked him in the face once again. I took out peacemaker and shot in between his eyes. I ran over to Doc who was continuously punching the man in the face. Once he was bleeding uncontrollably on the ground I shot him. I ran over towards Waverly and Nicole who were bleeding all over and the man was still fighting back. I shot the man in the head and everyone stood up and grouped together. Everyone was out of breath from such a big fight.

We all fell to the ground as we were breathing heavier than ever. I rolled over next to Doc and he smiled

"Nice work out there."

"Right back at you" I said smiling.

Nicole wrapped her arms around Waverly then kissed her cheek. "I told you you were a badass Earp."

Waverly smiled and held onto her tightly. Jeremy was rolling around in the sand rubbing his back from where he was punched repeatedly. I took off my jacket and started to dab at the bleeding parts of my body. I could tell everyone was in so much pain. I couldn't believe there were still 13 other people we still had to fight.

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