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I pushed open the door to the hotel room and Wynonna threw her suitcase on the bed. I looked out of the door to make sure Nicole and Waverly got into their room and luckily they did. I know the girls are pretty strong and smart, but some things confuse them easily. I unzipped the suitcase and started to take my clothes out and set them on the dresser.

"So are you excited for this cruise?" I glanced over at Wynonna who was already shoving her clothes and items into dressers and cabinets.

"Very excited. I have had enough of the demon bullshit for one day. I have spent my days and nights trying to fight all these demons, a girl needs a vacation once in awhile."

I nodded and continued to shove the clothes into my dresser. Once everything was completely unpacked I decided I would get some sleep since the girls wanted to go swimming all day tomorrow. I took my jacket off and took off the jeans I was wearing and tossed them to the ground and climbed into the bed. Wynonna glanced over at me. 

"What are you doing?" She raised her eyebrow.

"You girls want to get up at like 8am.. To go swimming, I need my sleep. Goodnight Wynnona."

I curled up in the bed and felt Wynonna climb in beside me and lay down. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I let myself fall asleep.


I woke up the next morning to Wynonna shaking me awake. When I opened my eyes she was standing over me in a dark blue bikini. She had a towel and sunscreen in her arms and I sat up. 

"Is it 8am already?" 

She nodded. "Kinda." 

I rolled out of bed and walked over to the dresser and pulled out my swimming trunks and my towel. I walked towards the bathroom and turned around and smiled at Wynonna. "I'll be right there sweetheart."

I closed the door and changed my clothes then brushed my hair and teeth. I walked into the room and Waverly was standing next to Wynonna, she was wearing a floral white bikini and she had a bright blue towel in her arms. Nicole walked into the room wearing a black laced bikini. She was also holding a bright blue towel. She walked up to Waverly and wrapped her arm around her waist. Waverly smiled and stood on her tip toes to kiss Nicole. 

"Are you guys going to keep kissing or are we going to the pool." I said.

Waverly rolled her eyes. "It was one kiss, but let's get to the pool before it gets busy." 

We walked out of the room and down to the main deck. There were people walking everywhere and they had beers and margaritas in their hands. We walked up to the waterpark area that had a few slides, a pool, and a hot tub. I walked over to a row of empty seats and threw my stuff down on the chair. I grabbed the sunscreen and started to apply it. I looked over and the girls were doing the same.

It was actually a very nice day to go swimming, even though it was mid October I would say we picked a nice time to go on a cruise.

"Doc. Help?" 

I looked over and Wynonna was trying to apply sunscreen to her back. I rolled my eyes and walked over and grabbed the sunscreen and applied it to her back and then threw it on the chair. 

"Let's get to swimming." 

I took off my hat and let my hair blow in the wind, I brushed it out of my face and set my hat on the chair. "That better not blow away, I will be very angry with it." 

Wynonna put her hand on my shoulder. "Trust me, you piled everyone's towel on it, I think it's fine." 

Wynonna walked up to the pool and dunked herself in the water. Waverly and Nicole were holding hands and talking back by the chairs. I turned around to face them and when they saw me they came running to the pool. 

"Finally." I laughed and then jumped into the pool. The water felt amazing, it wasn't too cold but it also wasn't too hot. I swam around and was able to for once spend the day with my girlfriend without having our jobs interfere with anything. Waverly and Nicole were in the corner of the pool and Waverly was in Nicole's arms. Wynonna swam up to me and gagged when she saw them.

"What a couple, Am I right?" 

I rolled my eyes. I grabbed Wynonna and pulled her on my lap and walked around the pool. I leaned in and kissed her and she pulled back smiling. "So, We're the couple now, aren't we." 

"Guess so" 

Most of the day we spent doing laps around the pool trying to see who could swim the fastest, usually it was myself and Nicole that would win the races. And we would usually tie when we held the championships. We didn't really go on much of the slides, not until later in the day. 

I looked up at a tall slide that held four people and took you around a path then dropped you multiple times. Basically a roller coaster on water.

"Guys, Let's do that waterslide." I pointed at the slide and everyone gave me a look.

"Really?" Waverly said quietly. I nodded.

"That looks horrifying, but sure, let's try it." Nicole took Waverly's hand and pulled her out of the water and waited for Wynonna and I to get out. I pulled myself out of the water and pulled Wynonna out behind me. We walked in the cool breeze towards the slides. Unfortunately the slide was about a story in the air and the stairs took literally all the breath out of me. 

When we reached the top everyone was huffing and puffing from walking so much.

"You really would think since we are all basically cops, we would be in better shape." Waverly said laughing. 

"You'd think." Wynonna said.

We waited through the long line and when it was our turn we climbed into the tube and waited for the lifeguard to push us down the slide.

"Are you ready?" She said.

Everyone gave her a thumbs up and she sent us down the slide. The first drop was large and everyone screeched as we went down. We were immediately covered in water and could barely see where we were going. But the feeling of being pushed around and dropped in the water was amazing. I felt like a risk taker after going down all the slides in the park. 

The sun started to set and people began to leave the waterpark, but the four of us decided to relax in the hot tub since nobody was there. I lowered myself into the warm water and flinched at the heat. 

"God this is hot, I don't know how people stand this." 

"Don't be such a wimp Doc." Nicole said. 

She lowered herself in then flinched also.

"Don't be such a wimp Doc." I said mimicking Nicole and she rolled her eyes. Everyone was in the hot tub and I moved myself over so that my side was touching Wynonna's. I wrapped my arm around her and Nicole did the same to Waverly. The breeze from the cool air of the ocean and the warm water together felt amazing. The view from the hot tub was also breath taking. The hot tub looked over the edge of the boat and you could see the whole ocean and all the sea life inside of it. Nicole's jaw dropped when she saw a dolphin. Waverly started screaming and jumped out of the pool and ran away, then came back five minutes later with her phone. She began to take pictures of the dolphins.

"Basic Waverly." Wynonna said.

"Rude!" Waverly said laughing. 

"So guys, What do you want to do tomorrow, there is still so much of this boat we haven't explored." Nicole said.

"Well why don't we go explore, and then have a nice meal." Waverly said. 

We continued to talk until the sun was completely down. We stood up, grabbed our things and headed back to the hotel room. Once we got inside we went straight to bed since we had such a busy day. 

I fell asleep and let my dreams take over.

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