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I decided to take first watch since I had a gun and I never took first watch. I sat next to Waverly and held her tight to make sure she didn't wake up in fright. The night was long and dragged on, Every so often I would start to fall asleep but jerk my head up so I wouldn't. The sun began to rise and I could hear people walking amongst the bushes. I grabbed Waverly's hand and tried to shake her awake but everytime I did she just groaned.

"Waverly Earp, they are here." 

She jolted up and listened quietly. "All of them?" 

I shrugged. "I don't know.. Probably. Go wake up Jeremy." 

Waverly ran off towards Jeremy as I ran over to Doc and Wynonna who were cuddling in the sand. 


I shook them awake and once they were finally awake I told them the game plan. Wynonna stood up and pulled her gun from her boot.

"You know this is a lot of work for a lady who just gave birth about a month ago." 

I glared at her and heard the movement from the trees getting louder. I saw one of the stronger revenants come out from the trees. He smiled and walked over to Wynonna. He grabbed her arm and twisted it, as Wynonna screamed Doc ran up to him and threw him against the ground.

"Lay a hand on my woman one more time and it will be the last thing you ever do." 

Wynonna shook off the pain in her arm and stood up. I ran towards the man and kicked him in the dick so he tumbled backwards and fell on the ground. 

"The greatest thing about having mostly male revenants."  I smiled as I pressed my boot against the mans neck. I presesed my boot even harder towards the ground until I heard cracking. I stood up and Waverly ran in to throw some punches. She grabbed the mans face and punched him. He grabbed Waverly and threw her to the ground and he jumped to his feet.

"I am the strongest revenant out here, you have no chance against me." 

I looked around and Jeremy was nowhere in sight. I rolled my eyes. He always runs away from a fight, what a wimp. Everyone was focused on the one man, throwing him against the ground, punching him, kicking him, then getting punched or thrown against the ground. The man started to wheeze for breath, I guess we wore him out. All of a sudden I heard footsteps across the sand and a scream coming from Jeremy.


Everyone looked at Jeremy who was running at full speed towards the man with a spear that looked like it was handmade. Everyone jumped to the side and Jeremy drove the spear into the mans chest. He fell backwards and started to twitch. Wynonna grabbed her gun and shot the man. I had a feeling the rest of the revenants were watching our fight. Soon two more revenants came out of the bushes, I could tell they were the weaker ones because when they started to throw punches, we could immediately get them on the ground and send them back to hell. Those were probably the easiest revenants we ever had to kill. We stood on the quiet sand listening to the ocean's waves hitting the shore. Everyone tried to wait until another revenant would appear but nothing happened.

"9 More." I said quietly.

Wynonna turned around and smirked.

"Halfway there."

 All of a sudden four people came running out of the trees. Wynonna didn't hesitate to shoot  this time, I could tell she was over all the fighting and getting bruised. She loaded her gun and when a person ran at her she shot causing them to fall immediately. I could tell Wynonna was a badass, every Earp was. The person threw a punch at Wynonna and she jumped in the air and kicked him in the gut, She loaded her gun and shot. The other two people came running at her and she loaded her gun shot one in the head and punched the other one so hard he flew backwards. She loaded her gun once again and shot. Waverly gripped onto my waist and smiled.

"I can't believe that's my sister." she said.

Wynonna ran over to us out of breath.

"How many was that." 

"Couldn't begin to tell you." I said. 

She nodded and looked around as she saw the rest of the people running out of the bushes. Wynonna flipped herself into the air and as she was landing she shot the weaker ones in the head. All the weaker revenants were dead and sent back to hell. 

Wynonna smiled and twirled her gun in her fingers, she saw Bobo and the other stronger revenant. She ran up to Bobo and decked him in the face causing him to stumble back an inch then smile. 

"You thought Earp." He said as he eyes turned red.

"Hmm." she said. She glanced back at me and smirked. She kicked him and he stumbled backwards. Wynonna pressed the gun against his face and reached into his pocket and grabbed the phone. She chucked it behind her and I ran up and caught it. She finally sent Bobo back to hell where he belonged. She ran over to the next revenant and did the same thing and shot. 

She was out of breath and she stumbled over to us.

"That was the most cardio I think I have ever done in my entire life." She said as she threw herself against the sand. I opened the phone and looked for an emergency call. I tossed the phone to Wynonna.

"Call Dolls."

She typed in his number and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello, Who is this?"

"Dolls. It's Wynonna, I need your help immediately."

"What happened?" 

"You know how everyone went on the cruise"


"The boat crashed into an island with tons of revenants, it was all their fault, the cruise was a trick, they knew where we were."

"How did they get out of the ghost river triangle."

"Not sure, I don't even want to think about that right now.. Pretty sure they are outlaws, from another place in the world. We are next to Cuba, some island like miles off the coast, to the northeast. You should be able to find us.

"Good thing I chipped you before you started working for me."


~Beep Beep~

The phone call was ended and Wynonna looked around while everyone else laughed. 

"Okay, well, Dolls better find us fast." 

"Don't worry. He will." I smiled. 

The next few days were just a blur, we spent time in the ocean, trying not to starve, making up stupid games to keep us entertained, anything we could do until we saw the large boat arrive at the shore and Doll's jump off of the deck and onto the sand next to us.

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