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I pushed myself up on the sand and limped over to my clothes, It was definitely a hard fight since most of us had to fight in only our underclothing. I grabbed my clothes and pulled them on and I could see Jeremy, Nicole and Waverly doing the same thing. Everyone had cuts and bruises all over their body and they were bleeding all over the white sand. 

Nicole walked over to a tree and pressed her back against it. "I don't think I have bleed this much since that bitch Mercedes was around." 

Waverly walked over to Nicole and sat down next to her. "I don't think I have ever bled this much in my entire life, except that time you know... The demon kind of chopped off my hand, but you know demon Waverly fixed that right up!" She giggled and then leaned her head into Nicole's shoulder. 

"Earp, How many more revenants do we have to kill?" I said.

"Let's see, We killed one of the strong ones, so 4 more of them. Then we killed 6 of the weaker ones, which means 9 are left. So overall.. 13 revenants." Wynonna twirled her gun in her fingers.

I rubbed my head and threw my hat against the ground. "This is bullshit, I am sick of eating fish as food, laying on hard sand and basically dying trying to fight these revenants." 

Jeremy walked over and sat down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Doc, there are only 13 revenants left, and there were 20 when we started, we killed almost half of the revenants already, did you really think we were even gonna get that far?" 

I glared at Jeremy. "Get your hand off of me boy, and I thought we would have them all killed by now." 

Jeremy removed his hand quickly and ran over to Nicole and Waverly. 

"I am about to search the forest all day to find these revenants." I said standing up. I walked towards the trees to makes sure nobody else was there, when I looked in I could see the rest of the revenants standing in a circle about 20 feet in discussing a plan. My heart started pumping and I ran out to Wynonna and grabbed her arm.

"Dude what the hell, what's going on?" 

"I saw them, all of them, all the strong ones, all the weak ones. They are listening to us, and every time we make a plan, they change their plan to work even better."

Wynonna glared at me and stood up, she grabbed her gun out of her boot and ran over to the trees and looked in to see the group of people. She ran back towards everyone and stopped. 

"Okay, does this call for another war?" 

"No. If they all come at us there is no way we will be able to take on all of them, especially Bobo, he is the strongest one out of them all. We have to somehow get their attention, or make Bobo only send out some of his revenants." Nicole said. 

"How do we do that?" I said.

"Maybe we can just use a person as bait, Jeremy your it." Nicole smiled and grabbed Jeremy's arm.

"What!? Why am I bait?"

"You're smart, go up there, scream, get their attention, when they come at you, you run back here"

He nodded. "So when are we planning on having this war." 

"Tomorrow morning bud, Once we get all these scars to stop bleeding." I said as I walked over to the ocean and put my toes in the water. 

"Alright everyone, Who is taking first watch." Wynonna smiled. 

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