Chapter Four

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"Oh and Kirstie?" She turns to look at me with flushed cheeks. "Yes sir?" I look at her then shake my head. "Nevermind see you tomorrow." She nods and turns out of my classroom. I can't help but watch her walk out.

I almost had told her to stop calling me sir but the way she looked with her big hazel eyes and her pink cheeks...ugh. She has no idea how crazy she drives me every time her lips wrap around that word.

I don't have time to dwell on this though because the bell rings and I remember that I have a class to teach. "Hello everyone, can you please get your signed sheets out on your desk?" Most of my students pull them out quickly, but one doesn't move a muscle.

"Did you not get your syllabus signed, Ms. Paytas?" I ask looking at the blonde in front of me. "No why would I?" She giggles twirling her hair in her fingers. "Because it was an easy 100." She bats her eyelashes at me and looks dumbfounded.

"Nevermind just turn it in tomorrow or you'll have a zero." I turn away from her hungry and desperate looks feeling disgusted. I pick up my other student's papers then I sit on my desk. "Mr. Kaplan," Troye says making me look at him.

"Yes?" "I found these on the floor." He holds up car keys and I walk to collect them from him. "Ok thank you." I place them on my desk then I sit down on it. I start to give the same speech about Macbeth until my mind drifts to the person I should not be thinking about.

I blink trying to figure out my words and my students all exchange looks. "Mr. Kaplan are you ok?" Tyler asks and I nod. "Sorry, I'm not feeling to well...take a free period this class." I tell my class and they all smile happily.

I sit back in my chair trying to get my mind off of her. How am I gonna get through my day if all I can think about is her blonde curls and her pretty pink lips? I sigh as the bell rings and I stand to open the door.

My students all file out only to be replaced by another string of students. I see a flash of blonde hair in the hallway and my mind drifts to her face. I shake my head and lean back against the wall.

Jesus today is gonna be a long day.

Finally, the seventh period bell rings and I can go home. I didn't struggle as terribly as I thought I would, but each strand of blonde hair that I saw made me think of her. I decide to not go and visit Kevin so I go through the main hallway to get to my car.

As I'm walking I hear her familiar laugh and I turn to see her, Mitch, and Scott all walking towards the choir room. So she sings? I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself so I follow the three of them.

"I just have to get my binder and then we can go." She tells her two friends and they nod. She disappears into the choir room then returns with a black binder. "What solo song are you singing?" Mitch asks her as they begin to walk towards me.

I turn against the wall praying they don't see me and luckily the trio walks right past me. "Marcia Baïla, it's in French." I smile to myself. I love French songs. The three of them walk towards the doors that lead outside and I follow close behind them.

Right as they push the doors open Kevin pops up out of nowhere making me gasp in shock. "Hey Avi, how was your day?" He asks with a smile. I can see the trio dispersing in the parking lot over his shoulder.

"It was ok I wasn't feeling too well earlier though." I murmur watching until I could no longer see Kirstie walking. "Oh I'm sorry, I won't keep you then. See you tomorrow!" I smile at my friend. "See you tomorrow." I push the doors open and walk to my car.

I pull out my keys and almost unlock my door until I hear a gasp. "Fuck!" Kirstie's voice rings in my ears. I walk towards the sound of her voice until I'm met with her blonde locks only a few cars down.

"Kirstie are you alright?" I ask and she turns, her cheeks flushed. "Hmm..oh yeah sorry, I just can't find my keys." She says softly while digging in her backpack pocket. "Did you leave them in your locker?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I didn't go to my locker today." She continues to dig and then I remember. "One of my students found car keys in my class, they must be yours." I say and she looks up at me. "Really? Are they in your room?" She asks and I nod.

"Can you take me to get them?" "Of course, come on." She smiles and the two of us begin to walk to my class. "I'm really sorry about earlier, I just couldn't focus." She murmurs as we walk into the English hall.

"It's ok Kirstie I just really need you to pay attention tomorrow." She nods and I unlock my door. "Do these happen to be yours?" I ask grabbing them off of my desk. "Yes thank you!" She exclaims as I hand them to her.

"You're welcome." She walks out and stands behind my door waiting for me. I walk out as well and lock my door then I turn to walk with her. "Are you in choir?" I ask as she fiddles with her keys. "Yes sir." Her voice is soft and her cheeks are pink.

"You look like a singer, I take it you sing well." She smiles and nods slightly. "Everyone says I do but I don't think I'm anything special." As our conversation continues I realize how insecure she is. How is that even possible!? She's like a walking goddess yet she only sees herself as an average girl.

"Bye Mr. Kaplan." She says waiting for my response. "Bye Kirstie see you tomorrow." She nods and smiles then the two of us walk in our different directions. I turn back once to see her swaying hips and I smile as I walk to my car.

I get in and pull out of the parking lot, my heart beating quickly. I hum happily to myself as I begin to drive home until a call pops up on my car. "Hello?" "Hi baby brother!" Esther exclaims happily. "Hey Essie what's up?"

"Nothing much I just wanted to call and ask how my classes are doing for ya." My mind flickers to Kirstie and I smile. "It's going great. The students are wonderful." Especially her. I don't say that though because then I'd get a storm of questions.

"Any teachers you fancy? There were a lot of cute young teachers when I was there." She asks and I roll my eyes. "No Esther, stop trying to hook me up with people." She laughs and I pull into my driveway.

"Hey Essie I just got home, can I call you later?" I ask turning off my car. "Of course, love you baby bro." "Love you too." She hangs up and I walk inside. I set my computer bag down on my couch and pull out my computer and my papers.

I begin to enter grades into the grade system until I come across Kirstie's syllabus. The way she wrote her name is adorable and it makes me smile. As I put in a 100 for her I decide to do a little snooping and look at her class schedule.

English AP

History AP

Calculus AP

Speech AP


Spanish AP

Forensic Science AP

Damn she's smart. I continue my snooping and find grades from her past years. They all consist of A's and B's and I can feel my jaw drop. Holy shit she's really smart. As if I can't get any more attracted to her, I find out she's one of my most intelligent students.

You know how I said I needed her? Yeah I definitely need her, now more than ever.

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