Chapter Twenty Two

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"Mrs. Koop, what are you doing here?" I hear Kirstie ask and I immediately rush to the door. "K-Kirstie what are you doing in my brother's house?" Fuck fuck fuck. "Essie, what in the world are you doing here?" I ask and Kirstie looks at me. 

"Mrs. Koop is your sister!? How have I not seen any pictures of the two of you anywhere!?" I'm about to answer her but then I see Esther is crying. "Yes she is but that's not important right now, Esther get in here. What happened?" 

"Darien he...he cheated on me!" She wails and I ball my fist. "What!?" Kirstie wraps her arms around her tightly and Esther graciously accepts her embrace. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." Kirstie murmurs as Esther sobs. 

"I'm gonna kill him." I growl and go for the door. "No Avi, you're not going anywhere." Kirstie says holding out her hand to stop me. She gives me a pleading look and I sigh. "Come on Mrs. Ko-Esther, let's go the living room." Esther nods and the both of them go to the living room. 

I follow in their tracks and sit beside Kirstie on the couch. "Ok talk to us, what happened?" Kirstie asks soothingly and I look at her. She's handling this so well. "W-Well I got home from t-the store and I went i-into our room and there he was...with another g-girl." 

My heart breaks for my sister and I stand to go to the door again. "Sit down," Kirstie growls and I oblige. "Esther it's going to be ok." She whispers as Esther cries into her embrace. "Avi I-I need K-Kevin." Esther hiccups and I nod. 

I go into the kitchen and grab my phone off of the counter. "Hey Avi, what's up?" Kevin asks and I take a deep breath. "It's Esther..." "What happened to her!?" Kevin's whole tone changes to being frantic. 

"Darien he...cheated on her." I can hear Kevin slam his fist down on a table and he takes a second before speaking again. "Your house?" "Yes I'll see you here." He hangs up and I go back into the living room to see Kirstie still holding Esther. 

"Thank you so much Kirstie-wait what are you doing here?" Kirstie looks at me and bites her lip. "Um..." "My fuck we're dating." Kirstie's eyes widen and Esther's eyes mirror hers. "What!? You're the girl mom and dad were talking about!? That's illegal!" Esther exclaims and Kirstie sighs.

"I know Essie but we couldn't be happier with one another and please don't-" "I won't, I could never take away your happiness little brother." Esther says cutting me off. "Oh thank you!" Kirstie exclaims hugging her again. 

"You're welcome, does Kevin know? I assume he's coming over here." Esther asks with a sniffle. "Yes he does and yes he is coming over here. He should be getting here any-" I'm cut off by a loud knocking on my door. 

I go to answer it and Kevin basically sprints to the living room to be with Esther. "Essie it's gonna be ok." He says picking her up from Kirstie's grip. "How could he do that to me? I thought I was a good wife, obviously I was wrong." Esther cries and Kirstie takes my hand in hers. 

She plays with my fingers as Kevin turns to me. "We're going to the guest bedroom, we'll be back later." Kevin carries Esther bridal style up the stairs and Kirstie looks at me. "Sexy time?" "No Kevin isn't like that, they're just going to talk."

She nods and continues playing with my fingers. "Why have I never seen pictures of you and Esther?" She asks and I kiss her forehead. "The same reason you don't see any pictures of my parents and I, I only have pictures of you and I together." 

Kirstie looks around the room and sees that what I'm saying is true. "I never even realized that...You didn't think to tell me your sister was a teacher at my school?" I shake my head, it had never dawned on me that she'd know Esther.

"We need to call your parents." She says breaking the silence. "You're right." I grab my phone and open it as Kirstie giggles. "What?" "You have red lipstick on your lips." I open the camera on my phone and groan. 

"Why didn't you tell me about that?" "There was to much going on, I didn't see it until now." She says still giggling. I wipe it off with the back of my hand and sigh. I then FaceTime my parents since I know they adore Kirstie. 

"Hello son!" My dad exclaims and I sigh. This is gonna be hard. "Hi Michael!" Kirstie says with a smile and my dad smiles back. "Kirstie! Let me go and get Shelly." We watch him walk up the stairs to get to my mom.

"Kirstie! How are you my dear?" She asks and Kirstie smiles again. "I'm doing great mom thanks for asking." Kirstie laughs and my mom rolls her eyes. "Avriel Benjamin Kaplan you watch yourself!" My mom warns and I chuckle. 

"Sorry, we're doing great mom...Esther on the other hand, not so much." Kirstie looks at me and rests her head on my shoulder. "What? What's wrong with our little girl?" My dad asks and I sigh. "Darien cheated on her." I say lowly and both my parents gasp. 

"Shelly pack your bag we're leaving." My dad growls and Kirstie sits up. "No no no, she's fine. Kevin is here with her." My mom's face softens and she takes her turn to speak. "Oh Kevin, he's such a sweetheart!" 

"Yes ma'am he is, he's gonna take good care of her." Kirstie says and Shelly nods. "Yes he will, Michael we're not going anywhere. Esther is in good hands." My dad huffs but nods. "Fine but we need daily updates on her, ok?"

"Ok, we love you both." "We love you guys too! Go take care of Esther." My moms says and Kirstie smiles as I hang up. "I love your parents." She says giggling and I smile. "They love you too." The door upstairs opens and we hear the two of them walking out.

"I'm going to get the babies." She tells me and I remember they're still put up from our date. Kevin and Esther come downstairs hand in hand with Esther sniffling. "Are you ok Essie?" I ask and she nods. 

"I'm gonna stay at Kev's for a little while..." I know what that means. I've been trying to get them back together for the longest time so I'm extremely happy. Kirstie comes back with our babies in her hands and Esther's eyes light up when she sees them. 

"Oh my god they're precious!" She exclaims and Kirstie smiles, handing them both to her. "This is Olaf and this is Pascal, they're both trouble makers but we love them." Kirstie says making Esther laugh. 

"So these are you two's babies? I didn't know I'd be an aunt this early." Kirstie and I laugh as Kevin takes Pascal from Esther. "Hi little guy." Kevin coos and I smile. "Oh my god wait!" Esther exclaims and we all look at her. 

"Mom showed me the picture of you two and the dogs from Christmas, oh my god I'm so stupid! I knew you looked familiar but I couldn't see your whole face. I should've asked what your name was but mom told me not to question Avi about it."

"Well I'm glad you found out this way because if you had found out through mom and dad then it wouldn't have ended well, they think Kirstie is eighteen." Esther gasps and Kirstie sighs. "You lied to them?" 

"Of course Esther, what would they have done if they found out I was dating my seventeen year old student?" Kirstie bites her lip and takes my hand in hers. "Oh I guess that makes sense, oh my god it's late." 

Esther looks over at Kevin and he nods. "Well we'll be going, thank you so much for the comfort Kirstie." She says hugging Kirstie. "Anytime, be careful it's supposed to rain." Esther and Kevin hand the pups back to Kirstie who sets them down. 

 "We will, see you Monday." We walk them to the door, saying our goodbyes. "Poor Esther, she didn't deserve any of that." I don't say anything and instead pin her to the wall. She gasps and bites her lip. "Sexy time?" 

"Sexy time."

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