Chapter Thirty One

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I didn't think I'd ever be this excited to finally go home but I guess I was wrong. As soon as the door of our house opens I dart into our room and flop onto our bed. Avi had been coming back once a week to make sure everything was kept in check but I didn't get that luxury. 

Avi laughs at me as he walks in, the suitcases in his hands. "Did you miss being here?" He asks as he sets both suitcases down on the floor. "Mhmm." I peel the comforter back and crawl under it, missing the warmth of my own house. 

He chuckles and leans down to kiss my forehead. "You're so adorable." I look up at him and smile, my cheeks a light shade of pink. "Are you ready to go and get the puppies?" He asks and I nod excitedly. 

"It's been forever since I last saw them." I murmur as I sit up. Avi gives me a sad smile then extends his hand to me. I take it graciously and we walk out of the room together. We get back in the car and sit in silence, the both of us wrapped up in thought. 

"Hey Dragon Boy?" "Yes?" I bite my lip and smile. "When did you write that song you sang for me last week?" He looks over at me and grins. "Well, I wrote it on Christmas when you and the puppies took a nap. I didn't think I'd ever be singing it to you." 

I take his free hand in mine and squeeze it. "What is it called?" "Light In The Hallway," He smiles as he speaks and love bursts in my chest. "It's perfect. Everything about it is absolutely perfect." I murmur as I rub my thumb on his hand. 

"Thank you Kitten, I'm glad you like it." I lean over and kiss his cheek. "Like it? No, I love it." He beams at me right as he pulls into the parking lot of the dog boarding place. As soon as the car stops I excitedly jump out and rush into the building. 

"Last name?" The woman at the front desk asks. "Kaplan." I'm glad Avi isn't in here yet, he doesn't know I put them in under his last name. "Alright, then I'll be right back." She disappears into the back right as Avi comes in. 

"She's going to get them right now. Avi please let me pay, it's going to be extremely expensive." Before he can protest the lady comes back out into the front, both Olaf and Pascal follow behind her on leashes. 

"Babies!" They both dart towards me and tackle me to the ground since they're both huge. I can't breathe over my fit of laughter and Avi is barely any help since he's actually over there wheezing. 

"Avriel Benjamin Kaplan!" He continues to laugh but helps to get them off of me. I stand with the help of Avi's hand and I take a deep breath. "Wow, that was a lot." The woman chuckles and goes back behind the front desk. 

I run my fingers through my hair as she begins speaking. "Ok so they were here for 30 nights which means your total comes out to $1,550." I immediately swipe my card before Avi can protest and he huffs. 

"Thank you so much for having Olaf and Pascal here, we hope to see them back soon. Have a nice day." I don't. "Thank you, you too." We walk out and I take Olaf from Avi's hand. "I'm going to sit in the back with them." He nods and opens the door for us. 

Both Olaf and Pascal jump into the back and I slide in beside them. Avi begins the drive back to our house as both of my babies curl up beside me, making me smile. We're about halfway home when I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. 

"Hello?" "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kitty/Kirst, happy birthday to you!" I laugh at both of my friends and Avi turns to look at me. "Double trouble?" I nod and switch the camera so the duo can see Avi. 

"Did he just call us double trouble?" Mitch asks and I laugh. "Yes, yes he did." Avi chuckles from the front. "That's perfect, anyway how's your birthday going Kirst?" Scott asks and I smile. "It's going great Noodle! I just picked up these furballs," I turn the camera on my puppies. 

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