Chapter Twenty Four

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It's been over three months since I've had to stay home all day and let me tell you I hate it. I mean I have the puppies and Game of Thrones but it's so boring around here since Avi's at work for nine hours a day.

I do get to sleep in and Postmate Starbucks and Cheesecake Factory which is pretty great, but other than that I'd much rather be able to do everything a normal seventeen year old can do. "Kitten I'm home!" I hear from the kitchen and I sit up smiling.

"Dragon!" I dash out of our room and throw myself into him. He picks up my thighs and I wrap them around his torso as we kiss. "How was work?" I ask as he sets me down gently. "It was good, same old same old. How was your day?"

"Boring as usual since you were gone. I started watching the third season of American Horror Story, it's crazy." I tell him as he sets his briefcase down on the table. "Isn't that the Coven season? Esther loved that one."

"Yeah it is, speaking of which how is Esther?" I ask as I sit at the table. "She's good, her and Kevin are still together." He says as he grabs a bag of chips from the pantry then comes to sit beside me. "That's good, you still wanna kill Darien?"

He nods and I laugh. "It's ok Dragon Boy, Kevin will continue to make Esther happy." He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. "You always know what to say." I smile back and take a chip from the bag.

"So your birthday is coming up." I say as he munches on another chip. "Yes it is, why?" I look at him like he's crazy. "What do you mean why? We're doing something for it." I say and he shakes his head.

"There's no reason for that Princess." My eyes widen and now I shake my head. "Avi it's your 22nd birthday we have to do something for it, even if it's small. Besides I love planning parties." I tell him as I stand.

"You really don't have to, I don't want you going out of your way for anything." He says as I go over to grab a glass from the cabinet. "I won't be going out of my way for anything! Let me do something for you, please," I look at him and bite my lip.

"Sir." He looks up at me and I smile devilishly. "I hate you." I laugh and walk over to him. "No you don't you dork." I giggle as I drape my arms over his shoulders and rest my chin on the top of his head.

"Do you really want to do this baby?" He asks looking up slightly at me. "Mhmm." He bites his lip then takes a second before speaking. "Fine, you can do something, big or small as long as you're happy with it."

"Yay! Ok, I need to start planning. Oh my god this is gonna be the best party ever." He smiles at my happiness and I peck his lips. "Do you want to watch some Game of Thrones with me?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry Princess I can't, I have to grade some papers. As soon as I'm done though we'll do whatever you want." He kisses my forehead and stands to go to the office. "I'll be in our room." I tell him and he nods. I hear the office door close then I go into our room. I decide to FaceTime Mitch since he and I always plan the best parties.

"Hey Kitty!" Mitch exclaims with a smile. "Hi Mitchy! Is Noodle with you?" He nods and hands the phone to Scott who smiles at me. "Hola mi persona favorita!" He exclaims and Mitch rolls his eyes.

"Ever since Scott switched into Spanish this semester he thinks he's bilingual." Mitch groans and I laugh. "Don't rain on my parade bitch." Scott snaps playfully and the three of us laugh. "So what's up Kit?" I look up at the sound of scratching on my door and I open it so my two pups can run in. I get them settled in the bed with me then turn my attention back to my phone.

"Avi's birthday is on the 17th and I'm throwing him a party." The two of them squeal just like I knew they would. "Oh my god why are you just now telling us about this, we only have two weeks Kitty!"

"Because Avi just gave me permission for this to happen today." "He didn't want to have a party?" Scott asks and I shake my head. "He thought it'd be to much work even though I told him I love planning parties."

Mitch scoffs and takes the phone from Scott. "That boyfriend of yours sure is delusional sometimes, it's a good thing he's cute." He says while rolling his eyes. "Mitch!" Scott and I both exclaim and he laughs.

"Oh the both of you chill, anyway do you know what you want to do yet?" "I have no idea I was thinking about going to a restaurant and...wait I've got it!" And so the plan for the perfect party began.

I decide to have a Great Gatsby themed party fully equipped with huge gleaming chandeliers, larger than life feathers in crystal filled vases, and a champagne fountain.

Gold, black, and white are the main colors for the night and I make sure my outfit fits in perfectly with it. I know Avi has a suit so I don't worry about that and the only thing left is to send the invites out.

"Hey little one." I yawn and look up at my favorite person in the doorway. "Hi Dragon, you're just the person I wanted to see." I say and he smiles. "What's up?" He climbs on the bed with me and I shut my laptop.

"Top secret party planning info sir! I need you to write up an invite list for me." I tell him and he chuckles. "Well ok how many people?" He asks as he lays his head in my lap.

"However many people you want, twenty five to one hundred it doesn't matter." I reply, running my fingers through his hair. "Oh Kit what are you planning?" I smile down at him. "Only the best for my Dragon." He smiles back and leans up to kiss me.

"I'll go start on a guest list, you can keep working on the party." He gets off the bed and kisses my forehead before walking out of the room again. I start scanning the internet to find some suitable invitations and I choose a gold and black one on Etsy. 

I smile to myself as I order the template for it so I can print them all out. I don't think I've ever been this excited for a party before. I get off the bed and go over to my old family photo album. I take the tickets to France out of it then go over to my large jewelry box. 

I pull his new phone out of it then I take both of the presents and hide them in the back of my bottom drawer where I know he won't look. I go and sit back on the bed to make a few more small additions to the party. Avi comes in a few minutes later and he hands me the list of the people he wants to invite. 

"This is more than I thought," I say as I read over the list of about one hundred names. "Is it too much I can take some off it's no prob-" "No no I just thought you'd have a smaller guest list since you didn't even want a party. This is perfect though, especially for this party." 

He smiles graciously at me and I smile back. "I'm so excited to see what you have planned." He murmurs, laying his head in my lap again. "Only two more weeks and then we can party all night long." 

"Have I ever told you, you're the best girlfriend?" "I may have heard it a few times, yes." He sits up and pats his lap for me to sit on. I do, of course, and he holds me as I smile. "Well you really are the best girlfriend, you deserve the world." 

I pull back to look at his face and I bite my lip while smiling. "Oh Avi I already have the world, I have you." He grins and leans in to kiss me again. Our kiss is soft and sweet and when he pulls back he's still smiling. 

"Now how about that Game of Thrones?" 

I am so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated recently. Oh my god it's been like a whole week of me not even writing! School has been an absolute killer since it's apparently been the month of projects so I haven't even had time to write more than three sentences. Thank you all so much for understanding this and I love you all more than y'all know. 

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