Chapter Six

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I finally finish grading all my tests so I decide to have a movie night to relax. I order myself a meat lovers pizza and put on my shoes so I can go and buy some snacks. I hop in my car and drive to the Walgreens closest to my house.

I walk in and instantly go to the chip aisle. I pick up a bag of barbecue chips and turn to go to the candy aisle until I hear sniffling. I look and see a flash of blonde hair going towards the back of the store.

That couldn't have been her. Right? I walk towards the back just to check and sure enough there's Kirstie in the wine section. She reads over labels then grabs two bottles of Cabernet Franc. She then pops her credit card out of her phone case as I register what's happening.

"Kirstie?" She turns around and fear flashes in her eyes. "M-Mr.Kaplan hi..." I look at her as her voice trails off. "What are you doing? You're underage." I say quietly so no one else can hear the conversation.

"I-It's not for me." She stutters and I look back at her in disbelief. I walk closer to her and extend my arms to grab the bottles but she yanks herself back. "No. Mr. Kaplan you have to believe me, these are for my mom." My eyebrows furrow and she bites her lip.

"Then why didn't she come buy them for herself?" I question with sharpness in my voice, her eyes still full with fear. "B-Because she was drunk and she couldn't do it herself, Mr. Kaplan please." She begs making my tone soften.

"Kirstie I really can't let you-" "I have to be home in less than ten minutes or she'll...nevermind just please Mr. Kaplan." She cuts me off and I look at her. Tears are welling in her eyes and she looks petrified.

"Ok go, I'll see you tomorrow Kirstie." I murmur giving in to her. She wraps her small body around mine in a tight embrace and I hug her back. "Thank you." She whispers sniffling. She takes a moment then turns to get to the cash register.

I drift close to where she is just in case she gets caught. "ID please." Kirstie hands it to the cashier without a hint of nervousness. "Ok thank you, cash or credit?" I look in disbelief. She did it.

"Credit." Kirstie smiles as she swipes her card. "Are you having a party?" The cashier asks as she wraps up the bottles. "Yes I am, my boyfriend's twenty fourth birthday party." Kirstie's lie comes out perfectly and I open my mouth in shock.

"Oh well tell him happy birthday, have a nice evening." The cashier says as Kirstie slips her cards back into her pocket. "Thank you, you too." Kirstie turns back to look at me, my mouth still open.

She rushes out of the store and disappears into the parking lot. Damn she pulled that off so effortlessly. I take my chips and check out hoping to catch up with her, but she's already long gone.

I get back to my house and enjoy my pizza, trying to figure out what the hell is happening with Kirstie. I'm praying she isn't lying to me but then again I kind of want it to be a lie too. She seemed so terrified of her mom so if it is true...oh god.

My mind drifts to awful things so I try to distract myself with a movie. This works and after it ends I take a shower and get to bed, my mind still a flurry of worried thoughts.


I get to school a bit later than I usually do because I had been up for most of my night worrying. I kept trying to tell myself Kirstie was fine and that she probably bought it for herself, but my mind kept making me think of worse.

I unlock my classroom and sit at my desk watching as students walk in, but really I'm waiting for Kirstie to come in.

She walks in with two coffees in her hands and I immediately notice how dull her eyes are compared to their usual sparkling state. She doesn't seem hungover what so ever though so my mind instantly drifts to the other possibility.

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