Chapter Twenty One

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"I don't want to go back to school!" I wail as Avi chuckles beside me. "You still have two more days off Kitten." He reminds me and I shake my head. "That's only two days! I couldn't even finish the Harry Potter series in two days!"

He kisses the top of my head as his laugh rumbles in his chest. "Let's go on a date." I say looking up at him. "What?" "You. Me. On a date. We'll get a babysitter for the kids and we'll have fun sexy time when we get back." He looks down at me with an amused look.

"Ok one we don't have to get a babysitter for the "kids" we can just put them in their kennels. Two let's do it, where do you want to go?" I bite my lip in thought. "Hmm...oh I know!" I say with a gasp.

"What is it?" He asks and I shake my head. "You'll just have to wait and see, go get dressed." I tell him as I hop off the couch and pull his hand to come with me. I tug him into our room and in the closet.

I pull my white and blue long sleeve button up off a hanger as he grabs a gray sweater and a black leather jacket. I then grab my super light pastel blue skirt and change alongside him. I adjust the white collar on my long sleeve and slip on my white heels.

I go into the bathroom and do my makeup, putting on red lipstick for the first time. My hair is wavy and pretty so I just leave it down then I walk out into the room and he smiles when he sees me.

"Red is a good color on you." He murmurs as he pecks my lips. I smile and grab my phone off of the couch. "Did you already put the babies up?" I ask and he nods. "Yep, are you ready to go?" He grabs his keys off of the counter and holds his hand out for me.

"Yep!" I take his hand and flick the kitchen light off as we walk out. He opens the car door for me and I get in, smiling. "I'm beyond excited for this." I say as he starts the car. "So am I Kitten," I open Google Maps and plug in the place we're going.

We drive for a little bit all the while harmonizing softly to songs on the radio. Though most people would be talking before a date, our singing and cherishing each other's voices is enough for us.

"What would I do without your smart mouth? Drawing me in and you kicking me out, you've got my head spinning no kidding, I can't pin you down." The both of us sing but my voice slowly fades away as Avi begins singing it to me.

"My head's underwater, but I'm breathing fine. You're crazy and I'm out of my mind. Cause all of me loves, all of you. Love your curves and all your edges," He pokes my side and I giggle. "All your perfect imperfections."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Even when you're crying you're beautiful too, the world is beating you down I'm around through every mood." His voice is smooth and velvety and I can feel my heart beating faster.

"Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts. Risking it all, though it's hard." As he sings I realize how much this song represents our relationship and I squeeze his hand, smiling. "You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning."

"And you give me all of you, I give you all of me. And you give me all of you, oh." He finishes and I lean over to kiss his cheek. "That was beautiful." I murmur as he smiles. He makes the last turn then gets to my secret date location.

"Oh my god Kitten this is perfect!" He exclaims as he pulls into the parking lot. "I knew you'd like it." He parks the car and we walk towards the entrance of the carnival. "How many tickets?" The woman in the booth asks as I scan my eyes over the prices.

"40 tickets please." I say smiling as I pull the cash out of my purse. "That'll be $50." I hand her the cash before Avi can protest. "Kitten that was way too much you should've let me do that!" He exclaims as the woman hands us our tickets.

"Avi chill it's no big deal." "But it is! How do you even have enough money for that?" He asks and I bite my lip. "Let's just say my dad left me quite a lot of money." We walk around for a bit until we walk past a carousel.

"Oh my god, we have to do that!" I exclaim as we get into the short line. We get to the front quickly and we each hand that guy one ticket. I get on a pretty white horse with a brown mane as Avi gets on the gray horse beside me.

We start to spin slowly and I smile happily at the twinkling lights. I grab Avi's hand and the two of us just sit smiling and laughing at how ridiculous we are. When the ride stops we both get off and I pull him off to another ride.

After about an hour of the both of us running around, we're down to our last four tickets. "Ooh let's do that Dragon!" I exclaim, pointing to one of the cliche tunnels of love. He nods and we both dart over to the line, the giant stuffed Olaf he had won me is bouncing on my side.

We both hand in two tickets each and we get situated on the small cart that makes us sit almost on top of each other, but we're not complaining. The ride lurches forward I'm immediately in awe of the colors and lights.

I almost forget that Avi is beside me until he speaks. "Are you having fun little one?" He asks and I nod happily. "I've never been in one of these!" All of a sudden everything goes dark and I squeak. I hurry into Avi's arms out of fear which makes us even closer.

"Why'd it get dark?" I ask and he chuckles. "That was the point Kitten, it was to scare you into jumping into my arms so I could do this." He presses his lips against mine and I smile into our kiss. His fingers go down to my hips and he grips them tightly making me giggle.

The lights come back on and I pull back, still giggling. "You sly little fucker." He laughs as our ride comes to an end. He gets out then helps me down since I have the huge Olaf to hold. We walk out of the carnival while talking about dinner plans.

"Is fast food ok Kitten?" He asks and I nod. "Can we go to In-n-Out? I really want a burger." We get into the car and he grins. "So do I." He begins the drive back to our house, this time we don't sing but instead talk about an array of things.

We get to the restaurant and I order a cheeseburger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake. "I'm paying," I tell him as he pulls up to the window. "No you're not, you paid for the tickets so I have to pay for this." I cross my arms and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine." He pays and turns to face me. "Aww don't be like that Princess." He says, running his thumb down my lip. "Princess? That's a new one." "Yeah, do you like it?" He asks nervously and I smile.

"No, I love it." He smiles back then gets the bags of food. We both eat in the car since we have another fifteen minute drive and we're both extremely hungry. I finish eating right as we pull into the neighborhood and I put my trash in the bag.

He takes the bags in as I bring Olaf and when I walk in I'm pinned against the wall. "I'm ready to take you up on that offer for sexy time." He says seductively and I drop my larger than life stuffed animal.

He smashes his lips against mine and I moan into our kiss. He picks up my thighs and I wrap my legs around his body as he presses me against the wall. I begin to kiss down his neck as he runs his fingers through my hair.

All of a sudden the doorbell rings and Avi puts me down with a groan. "I'll get it." He nods and I walk to the door, my heels clicking loudly on the floor. I open it and see a familiar figure standing with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Mrs. Koop what are you doing here?"

I am so sorry. I know I'm evil but I love you all.

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