Sing App?

511 110 141

Isabella | Vincent


               My mother was out. My sister, Cheyenne was out. I've got the whole place to myself. But I didn't know what to do. I was bored. Ella, my best friend is on her way over, but she lives around 30 minutes away, so I decided to just flick through my Instagram feed. As I was scrolling down, I noticed an advertisement for a singing app called "Sing, by Smule".

               It caught my attention. I love singing, so I figured, why not download this app and give it a go? I clicked on the link that took me to my App Store and I clicked download. Feeling very excited, I opened the app once it finished loading, and made my self an account. Once I was finally in, I noticed a wide selection of different songs. Oh my god! This is amazing. There are so many good songs!

               I stood up from my bed to go find my earphones since it requires you to wear them when recording. I pressed on the song, "Closer, by Chainsmokers". There was a choice of me singing a solo or a duet. I clicked on duet after deciding it'll be more suitable since the song is a duet.

The song slowly started and I looked at my screen to sing along with the lyrics displayed. The first part I left out so the person joining could sing and I would sing the girl part. After a quick 5 minutes, the recording was over and I eagerly played it back to hear how I sounded. I didn't put any effect on my voice, just kept it natural and it didn't sound bad at all.

             This is such a cool app! Where has it been all my life? I uploaded the recording and had to wait for people to join. A few people joined shortly afterwards and I was so excited to listen. Some of the singers on here are really talented and I found myself wanting to practice on my vocals even more if I wanted to keep recording music.

             My phone vibrated and I instantly knew it was a text message.

Ella - I'm almost there. Get ready I'm bored and wanna go out.

             I instantly began texting my reply.

             Me - where do you wanna go? I'm tired

               Ella - how do you expect to meet a hot guy and get laid if you always insist on staying home?

               Me - I don't expect that because I don't want that.....well....alright maybe I do. But I don't always stay at home.

             Ella - working at your parent's diner doesn't count. Now stop arguing with me, we both know that's a road you don't want to take because you'll end up lost. Now get your sexy ass ready!

               Ella has always made sure I never forget how "blessed" I am to have a "bubble butt" and how girls are doing all these different surgeries to have an ass like mine. I wouldn't exactly call my ass sexy, I mean it's nothing special. But I can see how she would think that since it's on the bigger side and lifted up. But whatever. That's not what's important.

              Ella - hell-ooo? Did you die?!

              Me - no I did not die! And nice to know if you thought I'd die, you'd just text me asking. How far away are you?

              My bedroom door flew open.

              "I'd say about a metre away."

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