Telling Him About London

229 96 55

Isabella | Vincent

(Picture of Ella)


"Don't forget to hand in your history papers on Napoleon the third. It's due tomorrow." As soon as the words left Mrs Bingham's mouth, the bell signalling lunch rang and she dismissed us.

I bolted out of the classroom as quickly as my legs could take me, heading towards Ella's class. She had social studies while I had history. I caught a glimpse of her through the crowded hallways standing by her locker, putting away her books. "Hey," I breathed out.

She closed her locker shut and turned to me, giving me a questioning look. "Why did you run for?"

             "Because I have to tell you something and I've been holding it in since last night!" I gushed excitedly. I wanted to tell her everything about last night.

            Now she looked interested. Her eyes lit up and she stepped closer to me with a grin on her face. "Did you finally have sex last night?" She whispered happily.

           "What?!" I can't believe that's what she thinks this is about. God, is sex really all teenagers can think about these days? "No, I didn't have sex," I whispered carefully looking around me to make sure no one could hear us.

            The last thing I want is for anyone to hear us talking about that. Especially Matt.

            "Well then, what happened?" She asked curiously now. "Is everything okay?"

              I nodded my head. "Yes. Let's just get to the cafeteria. I'll tell you there. I don't want to risk anyone hearing me."

             At our usual table which is by the big glass window that overlooks the field, we sat down with our lunches. Ella looked at me impatiently. "Well? tell me!"

              I told her everything from how I was bored at home before she picked me up, and how I downloaded the sing app. She was listening intently. I got to the part where I recorded a duet and how when I got back last night, I listened to the last duet which a guy joined and sang, and how he sounded bloody amazing.

            "Damn, that's an interesting way to meet a guy," she muttered, leaning closer and resting her elbows on the table. "What happened then?" She wiggled her brows seductively.

            "Well, I wanted to message him to tell him how much I loved his voice. You seriously should've heard it." A grin slowly crept onto my face. Why was I wishing she could hear it? She can!

            "What?" She looked at me confused.

            I pulled my phone out of my pocket excitedly and logged into the sing app quickly. "I can let you listen to our duet. You'll hear for yourself how amazing this guy is,"

             I pressed play and brought the phone closer to her ear and I watched her face carefully to see her reaction when she heard his voice. A few seconds passed and her facial expression changed to shock. She gasped. "Damn! This guy can sing! You're right, he's bloody amazing."

             I smiled since she agreed. She handed me my phone and before I could log out, I noticed a message notification. Was that from him?

           Hey. I know you're probably at school now and I hope you don't get in trouble for having your phone out. But I can't sleep. I'm thinking about a certain girl. Maybe you know her? She's got a beautiful voice, she's so awkward yet funny and fun to talk to. Think you know who I'm talking about? ;)

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