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Isabella | Vincent


For some unknown reason, I was grinning from ear to ear when I read his message. Just the fact he messaged me had me smiling like a happy teenager. He thinks I sound amazing? Did he not hear his own voice? I excitedly began typing back.

Thank you. It's funny, I had to play it back a few times also because I thought you sounded so, so good. Where did you learn to sing? Do you attend a music school or something?

             Obviously, with a voice like his, he's definitely a music student. Oh, how I wished to attend Juilliard after I graduate. I'd get away from all the immature kids at our high school and finally be perusing my dreams.

I do. I study at a music school. But, please, it was because of you that I had to play the duet over and over. Your voice is angelic. Do you go to a music school too?

I scoffed.

Me? A music school? I can only dream. Plus I'm still in high school. How old are you? I'm guessing older than me since your in university.

Well, with a voice like yours, you'd get in for sure. I'm 21. If you're in high school, what are you? 17?

I've never felt so self-conscious. Was my age a problem? Wait, why does it even matter? It's not like I'll ever see this guy. Who knows where he is.

That's right. I'm 17. Although people do tell me I'm so much more mature than my age.

I don't know why I felt the need to let him know that.

Haha. I can tell. Sometimes you can be so young but be more mature and wiser than someone who's old. Age doesn't matter to me.

I found myself smiling and eagerly texting back.

That's so true. And good to know. You sound very wise and mature yourself :) I'm surrounded by idiotic high schoolers (even though I am one), but just don't fit in with them. They're all about what's the latest gossip, and who is dating who when in reality, all that is pointless and useless if you ask me. What's the point in creating a name for yourself in high school and popularity when it's all just temporary? I'd rather go through high school with my head down and focus on my studies to get me to a better place. Oh crap, I rambled and wrote a damn essay! Sorry!

             Oh god, you are too damn cute. You don't have to apologise to me, it's refreshing hearing (well in our case, reading) someone talking the way you do. I couldn't agree with you more. When I was in high school, I used to get bullied and would get at least 5 wedgies from this guy who hated my guts!

            Wait? Really?

             Okay, no. That never happened. But I can relate. I used to see it happen all the time. High school sucks. So I take it you have a hard time in school then?

            Hey! You actually had me feeling bad for you. And what makes you think that?

           Sorry. Haha. Because the way you described the kids in your high school. I take it their all nasty people. But not you of course :) x

             Was that a kiss at the end of the message? Call me whatever, but I'm sure the symbol 'x' means kisses. Unless it was a typo?

           They are. Especially this one guy. He makes my life a living hell. Matt. Ugh! By the way, was that 'x' you typed a typo? Just wondering, I mean I heard x's mean kisses, right?

            Oh my god! What did I just write?! Before I could delete the text, it had sent already. Kill. Me. Now. How bloody embarrassing!

            You really are awkward, aren't you? Haha, I like it. Nah, I meant to send it. It's a kiss. Was that weird? Sorry, I guess I'm awkward too. I just don't know how to make the best conversations with a girl. Especially a girl like you. So, why does this "Matt" make your life a living hell? Do I have to straighten him up for you?

             I'm not awkward! :( well...okay, fine. I guess I am. But that's just me, so deal with it! Aww, don't worry. You're doing great. A girl like me? Trust me, I'm nothing special. Haha, yes! I'd love for you to kick his ass for me. Nothing will make me happier :)

             Okay, okay. I'll deal with it. Jeez, woman. Haha really? Thanks. And don't say that. I'm sure you are. I can tell without even meeting you. Just by the way your humble and so awkward. I love that. Makes it so much easier and more enjoyable talking to you :) consider it done. If I ever do meet this Matt guy, I'll make sure I kick his ass for you.

My mouth was hurting and I didn't realise I was smiling so much. We've been texting for around 20 minutes and it's nearly 1 am. I better get some rest since I have school in the morning.

Hey, it's getting late, I think I'm gonna hit the sack. School tomorrow morning :(

Oh. Crap. I've kept you up. I didn't realise there's a time difference between us.

Time difference?

Why would there be a time difference? Unless.....

I forgot to mention, I'm from London, England. It's almost 7 am in the morning here. Where are you from?

He's from London? Why did I feel a wave of disappointment? If only he lived here, maybe we could've met and become friends.

I didn't know. I guess I never thought about the possibility of you being in a different country. I'm from New York City, USA.

             Damn. The good ones are always unavailable :(

             I told you, believe me, I'm nothing special so your really not missing out on much. Anyway, it was lovely chatting with you. I wish you all the best in your music and everything. Lots of love from the USA.

             Wait, that's it? Are we not gonna talk anymore? Just because we live in different countries doesn't mean we can't be friends. Unless you don't want that, then I understand. Isabella. Finally I know your name and of course, it's beautiful :)

             I blushed and I thanked God he couldn't see me.

              I would love for us to be friends :) what's your name? I wanna know too!

             It's Vincent. Sweet dreams Bella x (kiss intended)

Two chapters down in 1 day! Yay!!!

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Who else thinks Vincent is so cute!

Lots of love
Vanessa (gizness)

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