Wesley's Party

198 86 16

Isabella | Vincent


Ella and I reached our destination which was the mall. She really wanted to buy a new outfit for Wesley's party. She's been begging me to go with her, but I refuse to go. I don't want to go to the party of Matt's best friend, thank you very much. There's a good chance I'll see Matt there and there's nothing I want more than to never see that boy again.

             But Ella being the persuasive girl she is convinced me to go after begging me countless times. I agreed I'd go but the second I felt uncomfortable or I wanted to leave, she'd have to come with me. Of course, she agreed willingly. So here we are at the mall, shopping for an outfit for her.

           "Aren't you gonna buy an outfit too?" She looked at me from behind the clothing racks, noticing I'm not shopping for myself.

          I shook my head. "What for? I can just pull out whatever I find in my closet. I'm not really keen on going, so why should I spend money on an outfit? I'm only going for your sake."

              She sighed and rolled her eyes, not saying anything after that. She knew there was no point in arguing with me about this. She knows how much I hate parties, especially if the party involves Matt, Wesley or Eric. I continued watching her choose from multiple outfits, all looking great on her. But she wasn't liking any, so we headed to another store that sells different clothes.

          "Look who's here, boys,"

I froze in my tracks. That voice. Why is he here? My body tensed as I felt him wrap his arm around me, letting his weight drop on me.

"Move!" I elbowed him in the gut, taking him by surprise as he groaned. Matt quickly recomposed himself, acting unfazed by what I had just done.

"What do you want, Matt?" Ella sighed, leaning her body against the wall of the store we were about to walk into.

            "Just wanted to make sure you're still coming, tomorrow," he stood beside her, looking at her.

             Beside me, Wesley and Eric were whispering to each other and laughing while looking at me. Can these guys get any more fucking immature? Seriously. I sent them both glares which sobered them up but then the second I look away, they burst out into laughter.

           "See," I turn to Ella who was talking to Matt. "This is why I don't want to come tomorrow. What the fucks the point? I'd rather stay at home and change a light bulb then go to his stupid party."

            "Uh, who said you were even invited?" Wesley questioned, placing his hand on his chin sarcastically while looking at me. "Sorry, but I have a strict no virgin at my parties, rule. You'll just be a waste of space,"

             Matt and Eric burst into hysterics, clutching their stomachs like Wesley just said the funniest thing ever.

             "Grow up, Wesley," Ella shook her head at him. "She's coming with me, so deal with it."

I didn't let his words get to me. At least, I didn't let it show. Of course, it hurts when they put you down like that and make you feel like your not important, but I've learnt to just deal with it and ignore them. I just glared at the three boys before turning to Ella. "You know what? I'm thirsty. I'm gonna go get us a smoothie,"

Ella nodded her head and I couldn't be happier to get away from those imbeciles. I'm so over high school and can't wait to graduate this year. "Next," the girl at the smoothie kiosk shouted. I didn't even realise it was my turn. Too busy with my thoughts, but I stepped forward and ordered us both a tropical smoothie. It's a delicious blend of most fruits.

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