Meeting My Family

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                               Isabella | Vincent



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My mind kept replaying what just happened. We're in the car driving back to my nonna's house. But my mind was still trying to register what took place at Vincent's place. After he said those words to, it was like a switch turned on inside me and I grabbed the back of his neck with a smirk on my face and lowered his lips to my own.

            He slid inside of me slowly but not before promising that he'll be extra gentle and slow since he knows it's my first time. Keeping to his promise, he was gentle and slow at the start. But when it began hurting less and feeling better and better, I began meeting with his thrusts, swaying my hips up and down to feel him deeper within me while gripping onto his bed sheets. It was honestly the best thing I've ever felt and I fell in love with Vincent even more in that moment.

Now we're outside my nonna's house sitting in his car. He looked nervous so I took his hand in mine and gave it a soft squeeze. "You okay?"

He looked up from his lap. "Yeah. I was just thinking about what we did earlier. I took your virginity, babe,"

I nodded my head. "Yes. You did. And it was bloody amazing, Vincent. Why do you seem upset?" I asked when I noticed him being quieter than usual.

"I'm not upset, Bella. But I hope I didn't make you rush into it. Your first time should've been more prepared for. I should've gotten you candles and lit the whole room for you. I should've had champagne ready after a nice warm bubble bath. It should've been different for you."

"Vincent," I lifted his chin up to face me since he was still avoiding looking at me. "It was more than perfect for me and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. You didn't rush me into anything, it was me who wanted this. So don't worry about it, I loved every second because it was with you,"

Vincent looked happier than earlier, a small smile curved onto his lips. I found myself smiling too. "I love that smile. Bella, I meant what I said earlier, you know,"

          I kept replaying the words over and over and the smile on my face grew even wider. "I know."

          "C'mon," he killed the engine and stepped out of his car. "So, who should I be most afraid of?" He joked but I knew he was nervous.

          Luckily for him, my family aren't the strict and mean type, so he's got nothing to worry about. "No one. Trust me, they're very easy going so you got nothing to worry about,"

         Nonna opened the door for us and greeted us both with a tight hug. "Ciao, Bella, ciao, Vincent,"

          "Hello," Vincent smiled nervously, his hand found mine and he held it. I looked down at our hands together and smiled.

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