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Yours Pov

After hugging and congratulations fest. We all come sit back down and the girls said they have surprises for me.

I sat down with the girls surrounded me.

"Can i have it now, Lo?" Ally said reaching to my left side where Dinah and Lauren seated.

And Lauren gave that little boxes to Dinah and Ally.

And they placed the boxes in front of me. I lift my head to look at them.

"What is it?"

They just shrugs their shoulders and Mani told me to opened it and i did.

Theres a little stick and i dont know what is it.

"What is this?" I asked Ally, because she's the one that always know things like this.

"That is pregnancy test." She take that thing out the box and placed it to my palm of hand.

"Look at the back" i see the neat hand writing with marker in the back of that pregnancy test. Ally Hand writing.

'Can't wait to see you at the first time mama!❤'

I threw that stick out from the shock and looked at Ally. She nodded her head. I squealed. Got up from my seat and hugging Ally and spinning her around. She laughed and told me to put her down. I kissed her passionately type of kiss. I repeated saying 'i love you mama' and kissed her temple.

And then i remember the other box. I take the box from the table. And openend it. Its had different shapes from the other one that i threw it somewhere.

I look at the back of it and didnt had any clue at there.

I looked at Ally and she shakes her head. Thats not her test.

I lifted ny head to the other three. And Lauren the first one speak "Lets play a little game, Heda"

"okay. lets do this"

"You have one Other girlfriend that you got pregnant. You should guess who is it. You can touch our tummies but you cant ask." Mani said and Dinah nodded her head at agreement.

I nod and made bee line to the girls. I got down on my knees and put my ear on Lauren stomach. I rubbed bellow her belly button. I remove my ear and rubbed her back bones.

I repeated the same things to Mani And Dinah.

"Okay. Who is it?" Mani ask.

"First of all. I'm happy that you are pregnant. And thats my baby. But i doubt that you can hold that potty mouth of yours Dinah. Because i dont want to my Child heard their mother curse. Can you do that Dinah?" I said looking straight at her eyes.

She had tears in her eyes and nodded her head. I smiled and hug her and spinning her around.

'I love you, juliet' i whispered to her. And she answered with 'i love you heda'

"Then i guess my sperms is too good then." The girls slapped me anywhere they can reach. I rubbed my body and pouted at them.

All the families clapped and congratulated us again. Damn.

I barely handle 4 girlfriends crazyness and now the two of them is pregnant. Damn. this is gonna be alot then.


A/N : Should i make the next chapter is the last chapter? What do you guys want?

Yours (Fifth Harmony / You)Where stories live. Discover now