A Special Guest

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Pidge: YO PEEPS! We got someone new to play with us!

Allura: Who?

*Space_Keef walks in the room*

Space_Keef: Wassup!


Space_Keef: Yes and I'm totally proud of that dare! You looked so kawaii!

Pidge: I know right!

Matt: So sis, what's the dare?

Pidge: The dare says Space_Keef has to act like Keith's lover.


Pidge: Even better, the dare also says Lance has to accept.

Lance: No! I don't accept!

Shiro: Hey Lance, its just a dare.

Lance: A dumb one that I'm not gonna accept.

Hunk: We know he's your "boyfriend" and all but dude, chill. Its just a little dare.

Coran: Yeah! He's just "acting" as Keith's lover. Not actually being Keith's lover.

Lance: Ugh fine!

Space_Keef: Yeah!

Lance: I'm watching you.

Shiro: Lance, chill.

Lance: Shiro, imagen someone had to act like Matt's lover. How would you feel?

Shiro: *blushes* I-uh

Lance: Exactly

Matt: *blushes*

Pidge: Goals!

Space_Keef: Sooooo, Keith. Wanna go out somewhere and eat?

Keith: Um, sure.

Lance: *looks pissed*

Allura: Ima just...  take Lance to his room.

*Allura takes Lance out of the room and while leaving, Lance looks at Space_Keef hella angry*

Hunk: Well, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go make a snack.

Matt: *still blushing* Um Shiro. Can I talk to you?

Shiro: *still blushing* sure.

*Matt and Shiro leaves the room*

Space_Keef: Well I guess its just me, Keith, Pidge, and Cor- wait, where's Coran?

Pidge: He went to go spy on Matt and Shiro.

Space_Keef: Lol.

Keith: Well, should we go to Mc Donalds?

Space_Keef: Sure!

*Keith and Space_Keef leave*

Pidge: Welp, I guess its just me.

*Gabe (Me) enters the room*

Gabe: Hey wassup I'm Gabe.    (Gravity Falls Reference lol)

Pidge: Bye! Thanks for the dare!

Lance: Mc Donalds is our resteraunt. *cries*

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