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Pidge: Who's Adam?

Shiro: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

Matt: Oh shit.

Shiro: My ex husband.

Pidge: WHAAAAT?!

Shiro: Uh heh heh, yeah.

Pidge: Well, spookydun- dared you and this Adam to scare Matt.

Shiro: I don't think that's possible.

Matt: Yeah, I can't get scared.

Shiro: Pfft, keep dreaming, but no, what's not possible is Adam being here. He's back on earth.

Matt: True.

Pidge: Aw! I wish I could meet him.

Shiro: Yeah, I miss him.

Oof, im leaving off on a sad note. Im mean

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