Deep Secrets (part 2)

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Gabe: I'm a girl.

Everyone: WHAAAAAAAT!?

Gabe: Yeah *blushes*

Pidge exe. has stopped working

Gabe: I would've said something but since I'm going out with Pidge, it might weird her out and she probably would stop loving me and-

Pidge: Who said I was ever gonna stop loving you!?

Gabe: Well, I assumed-

Pidge: Don't assume cause it makes an ass out of u and me.

Shiro: True.

Pidge: Butt out!

Gabe: So, do you still love me?

Pidge: Yes! *kisses Gabe*

Gabe: *kisses back*

Hunk: I don't mean to break this sweet moment, but what's your real name.

Gabe: Gabby. Its just, I prefer to be a boy so I went through surgery and changed myself to look like a boy.

Lance: So does this mean you have a dick?!

Gabe: -_-

Pidge: Really.

Lance: Sorry!

Gabe: Yes. I have a dick. Does the word surgery ring a bell.

Keith: Yeah Lance, that was pretty obvious.

Lance: Says the dude who can't even say tron!

Keith: Whatever!

Pidge: Thank you Gabe for trusting us with this information.

Gabe: Its no biggie. We're all a family, right?

Shiro: Yes we are.

Gabe: 😁

Pidge: Thanks for the dares!

Oml I'm so tired but when I go to sleep, I can't sleep. Like what the hell?!

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