Deep Secrets

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(Does anyone even read the titles?)

Pidge: Oh shit.

Hunk: what?

Pidge: Sebastian_Slave_909 said we have to tell our deepest and darkest secret.

Hunk: Yeesh! Ok, lets go tell everyone.

-Time Skip cause iTS 11:45 PM!-

Keith: Oh no!

Lance: This is not good.

Pidge: Wait! I forgot to mention! She also said Keith is precious.

Keith: Thanks?

Pidge: And she loves me, Lance, and Keith. She said Hunk is amazing.

Lance: Duh!

Pidge: And Shiro, Allura, Coran, and Matt shine!

Shiro: Thank you.

Pidge: Now, time to know everyone's deepest and darkest secrets!

Lance: I'll go first, back at the garrisons, I thought Keith was a girl and I used to talk about him everyday.

Hunk: What was worse was he used to say how he wants his boobs so bad.

Lance: Yeeeeeah.

Keith: -_-

Pidge: Pffft. You never talked about Keith when I was around.

Hunk: By the time we met you, Lance found out he was a boy.

Pidge: Lol

Keith: Well, I'll go next. Back when I was in the garrisons, I had a huge crush on a boy named Tailer. I wondered what happened to him?

Hunk: Is anyone gonna tell him?

Pidge: Eh.

Shiro: I'll go next. I used to have a boyfriend named Adam.

Matt: WHat!? Really!

Shiro: Yeah.

Pidge: What happened?

Shiro: I don't want to talk about it.

Hunk: Well, I guess I'll go now. Guys.... I'm pansexual.

Pidge: Woah! I totally support!

Everyone else: Same here!

Hunk: Few! Thanks guys!

Pidge: Ok! My turn! I used to have a crush on Keith.

Everyone: WHAT!?


Pidge: Where did you come from?!

Gabe: My mom

Pidge: -_-

Keith: I'm flattered but-

Pidge: I stopped having a crush on you when I found out you were gay.

Keith: Oh.

Gabe: Now Pidge belongs to me!

Pidge: Gabe, since your here, tell us a secret.

Gabe: I rather go last.

Pidge: Ok then. Allura's turn!

Allura: I use to have a brother.

Shiro: What happened to him?

Allura: He died.

Lance: Allura, I'm so sorry.

Allura: Thank you Lance.

Keith: I guess its Coran's turn!

Coran: Alrighty then! Me and King Alfor use to date!

Everyone: wHaT!?

Coran: Yeah, but we broke up because he had to marry a princess.

Hunk: Awww!

Pidge: Last but not least, Gabe! What do you got!

Gabe: No, I can't!

Lance: Come on dude, man up!

Gabe: I can't man up! Because........

I'm a girl!

Oooooh! Cliff hanger! (See what I did there) Thanks for reading and next chapter will come out tomorrow!

Also, I ship Kidge and Klance! FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!


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