Clothing Swap and Some Shatt

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Pidge: Matt!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt: Yes sis?

Pidge: Get ready to blush!

Matt: Why?

Pidge: Pidge_is_me dared keith and lance to swap cloths an-

Matt: Why would that make me blush?

Pidge: LET ME FINISH! *smacks Matt*

Matt: Ow! Ok Ok sorry. Continue.

Pidge: She also asked how long has Shiro liked you.

Matt: Oh. *blushes* Since Shiro is not here right now, I'll tell you. Ever since we met at the-

Pidge: Garrisons.

Matt: Yes. How did you know?

Pidge: First of all, everyone fell in love with someone since the garrisons and two, you used to talk about how much he was hot all the time back on earth.

Matt: Oh yeah I forgot.

Pidge: Well lets go tell keith and lance their dare.

Matt: Ok!

-Time skip cause im fudging lazy-

Keith: Ok, well that's easy enough.

Lance: Yeah! He wears my jacket all the tim- OW!

Keith: Shut up!

Lance: Whatever. Lets go and get changed.

*lance and keith go and swap cloths*

Pidge: You ready?!

Keith: This shirt is too big!

Lance: Stop complaining! At least you can breath! This shirt is too tight!

Pidge: Let me see come on!

Keith: Fine!

*lance and keith walk out*

*lance and keith walk out*

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Pidge: CUUUUTE! *takes pic*

Gabe: *through the vents* SEND ME THAT!



Lance: *gasp* Did you just... call Gabe, OH MY GOD!

Keith: It's official!

Pidge: Shut it or I'll post that certain video on the internet for my klance fans.

Lance & Keith: WHAT VIDEO!?

Pidge: Oh nothing. It's just you two doing the do.

Lance: Delete that!!!!!

Keith: How and why do you have that video?!

Pidge: I have my ways, but either way thank you guys for the dares!

Hi everyone! Sorry this chapter came a little late. I was very busy and very tired so I never had time to write it. For my apologies, please accept this cute klance photo. And no, Im not posting it so I can screenshot it on my tablet and have it as my wallpaper.

 And no, Im not posting it so I can screenshot it on my tablet and have it as my wallpaper

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Also I saw this photo and I fell in love!

Also I saw this photo and I fell in love!

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Ok now bye!

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