Does anybody even read these?

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Pidge: Ok. Time to be sneaky.

Shiro: What do you mean?

Pidge: Well Justin Bieber, this dare is from godlovesyou585 and it says to put something in Keith's hair that'll make it longer and Lance has to play with it.

Shiro: Oooooh!

Pidge: TO THE LAB!

*pidge goes to the lab and makes a hair growing potion*

Pidge: Done! Now, its time!

Shiro: *enters room* I told Lance the dare, let me go tell Ke-

Pidge: No! Let it be a surprise. *evil grin*

Shiro: Okaaaaaay? *backs away slowly*

Pidge: Now, lets do this! *runs out of room like Naruto*

Shiro: Kids.

-Few minutes later-

Keith: *silently singing* we'll carry on, we'll carry on, and though you're AAAAAAH!

Pidge: *throws potion at Keith and sonics out of room*

Keith: Its always me getting hit with the potions. -_-

Lance: *enters room* Hey babe.

Keith: Hi papi. I feel weird. (I'm ready for daddy comments)

Lance: Have you seen your hair lately?

Keith: No why?

Lance: Its long.

Keith: What!? *looks in mirror*

Lance: Goodbye mullet!

Keith: Fuck you!

Lance: Later.

Keith: *blushes* Well, I need to cut it.

Lance: NOOOOO! Not yetttttt!

Keith: Why?

Lance: I wanna play with your hair.

Keith: no.

Lance: Pleeeeeease.

Keith: No!

Lance: Ok, I guess I'm sleeping in my bed alone tonight.

Keith: Ugh fine!

Lance: Yay! Now, come here and sit in front of me.

Keith: Fine. *sits on the ground in front of Lance*

Lance: *starts to brush it*

Keith: ouch!

Lance: sorry! *continues brushing until all knots are out*

Keith: *starts to fall asleep*

Lance: Awww! So cute! *kisses head and starts to make a bun*

-Minutes later-

Lance: Done!

Keith: *wakes up* really.

Lance: Yeah go look.

Keith: *looks in mirror*

Keith: *looks in mirror*

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Keith: I- um, I like it.

Lance: Really?!

Keith: *blushes* yeah.

Lance: *hugs and kisses Keith* I love you!

Keith: *smiles* I love you too.

Gabe: That shit is breath taking.

Thanks for the dare!

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