Lovers to Enemies

987 27 22

Pidge: Well shit

Shiro: Language

Pidge: Oh hush you!

Shiro: Whatever. What is it?

Pidge: Klattle4life dared Keith and Lance to pretend they hate each other.

Shiro: Why is that so bad? They're only pretending.

Pidge: But they're married! Them hating each other doesn't sound right. They used to hate each other and that was annoying as shit but now they're all gay towards each other and its less annoying.

Shiro: True. Stop saying shit.

Pidge: Stop having sex with my brother.

Shiro: wjdnfkrjnrnfkfnr *blushes*

-Time Skip brought to you by my lazy ass-

Lance and Keith: WHAAAAAAT!

Pidge: Yep.

Lance: But I love him.


Shiro: Lang- you know what, I give up.

Pidge: Ha ha! Point Pidge!

Keith: Well okay umm.

Lance: I *gulp* hate you Keith.

Keith: I *gulp* hate you too.

Pidge: Oh wow.

Keith and Lance: Okay we did it, we're done now.

Pidge: Whatever!

Shiro: Well, I'm gonna go. Gotta go talk to Matt.

Pidge: Talk huh?

Shiro: Shut up! *blushes and leaves*

Pidge: Lol! Thanks for the dare!

I wanted to point out! If you already read the old version of the klance smut chapter, I suggest you reread it. I wrote some actual smut this time. If you don't like smut don't read. But I'm just telling yalls

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