Pidge's only fear

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Gabe: Babe, what happened?

Pidge: Stop calling me babe.

Gabe: Never

Pidge: Well anyways, Foreverbeyou123 dared me to not touch any technology for a day!

Gabe: Yay! That means you can spend more time with me!

Pidge: NO

Gabe: I'll make you peanut butter cookies.

Pidge: You have a deal!

Gabe: Ok let's go to the kitchen! *grabs Pidge's hand*

Pidge: *tries to let go but fails*

-Time skip to when they are in kitchen-

Pidge: I'm surprised Hunk's not here.

Gabe: yeah. *sneaks up behind Pidge and kisses her cheek*

Pidge: *blushes* WHAT THE HELL!

Gabe: Oh dont tell me you didn't like it because I know you did.

Pidge: Well you're a chicken.

Gabe: Me! How?

Pidge: Cause you didn't kiss me on the lips.

Gabe: If I did, you would've punched me.

Pidge: True.

Gabe: See

Pidge: Let's make a deal. If you make me more than a dozen of peanut butter cookies, I'll let you kiss me as many times as you want, but only for today.

Gabe: Deal!

Pidge: This is gonna be a nightmare

Gabe: Hey! Kissing me is not that bad!

Pidge: No not that! Trying to not touch technology! I NEED TO SEE MY FEED!

Gabe: *chuckles* poor you.

-Time skip brought to you by Gerard Way-

Pidge: I can't believe you did it! You're that desperate.

Gabe: Anything to keep my little pigeon happy.

Pidge: Aww! *kisses cheek*

Gabe: *blushes* W-well anyways, h-heres your cookies.

Pidge: Thank you! *eats cookies*

Gabe: Can I have one?

Pidge: No.

Gabe: Aw

Pidge: I think I can handle going without tech for a day. Wanna play some DND?

Gabe: Do I!

Pidge: Let's go get everyone!

Gabe: Ok! Well anyways, thanks for the dares!

Hello guys this is the author once again! I just wanted to say, if you can't private message me dares, then just write it in the comments. Also, this is truth  or dare. So give me some truths please! Thanks for reading and have a gaytastic day!


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