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Pidge: Oh! My! GOD!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOOOOOOOU!

Hunk: What happened?

Pidge: smol_yandere_bean DARED KEITH AND LANCE TO GET MARRIED AND he has to be the priest. GayShips4dayzzzz has to be the best man.

Hunk: Awesome! But who's the bride and who's the groom?

Pidge: I don't care but I'm going to be the maid of honor. (Idk if that's how you say it)

Gabe: *comes out of nowhere* IM GONNA BE THE FLOWER BOY!

Pidge: Ok!

*a couple of days later after the whole wedding is set up*

Pidge: Nows the day to tell them the dare!

Allura: Yes

*Walks in kitchen where lance and keith are*

Pidge: Guess what guys!


Keith and Lance: What?!?!

Pidge: It was a dare. Gabe is the flower boy, I'm the maid of honor, GayShips4dayzzzz is the man on honor, and Space_Dragon_16 is bringing the rings! (Sorry I couldn't bring in the cow)

Allura: Lance you come with me. I already got your outfit!

Pidge: Keith, come with me and remember, no looking at each other until the wedding, bad luck.

Keith: ok?

*they all leave room and get dressed. Now its time for the amazing event*

Hunk: *cries* my 2 best bros are finally getting married. *sniff* They grow up so fast.

Shiro: *puts hand on Hunk's shoulder while holding Matt's hand*

*piano starts to play*

Gabe walks down the ile (idk how to spell) with a basket of flowers, throwing them to the ground. Then Pidge and Allura walk down the ile. They walk to where Lance is standing. (Lance is the groom suckers) GayShips4dayzzzz walks down the ile with a big smile. She stands next to Lance and give him a thumbs up. Then, Space_Dragon_16 walks down the ile with the rings. She stands next to Pidge and Allura. Finally, Keith. Keith walks down the ile with a smile on his face. Lance smiles when he sees him.

Lance: He's so beautiful. I think I'm gonna cry.

GayShips4dayzzzz : No crying on your wedding.

Keith: *stands in front of him* Hi

Lance: *smiles brightly* Hi. You look beautiful.

Keith: Thanks

sweet_smol_bean : *walks in with the book that priest always read when there is a wedding* *starts the ceremony then eventually* You may kiss the bride, I- mean groom!

*keith and lance kiss*

*everyone cheers*

-time skip to party-

Gabe: *clinks whine glass* I have an announcement. Well actually a song to sing. *grabs microphone and starts singing hips don't lie by shakira. But every time it says Shakira, Gabe sings Akira instead* Thank you!

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