Gay Gasolina Maids

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Pidge: Oh my god! HA!

Hunk: What is it!?

Pidge: This dare is from pidgedaPidgeon and it says "I dare lance and keith to dress up as maids and dance to gasolina." Also I like your user.

Hunk: OML! This is funny!

Keith and Lance: *who have heard everything* WHAAAT?!

Pidge: You must do it! It was dared!

Keith: Fine

Lance: Hey at least we're doing it together. Plus its a good song.

Keith: Awww! ❤

Lance: I also really want to see you in a sexy maid costume *smacks ass*

Keith: fuck you

Lance: Later.

-couples mins later-

Pidge: Are you guys ready yet?

Lance: Yep!

*lance and Keith walk in room with maid outfits*

Pidge: Oml! You guys look so cute!

Hunk: You look shaPOPPIN!

*Pidge, Keith, and Lance looked confused*

Hunk: What? Its what the author's best friend always says.

Pidge: Dang you author's friend!


*puts on Gasolina*

*keith and lance start dancing*

Pidge: *records everything*

Keith: This is stupid!

Pidge: This is hilarious!

*song eventually ends*

Lance: That was fun!

Keith: No it wasn't!

Lance: Aw

Author-Chan: Thanks for the dares.

Pidge: Who is you?

Author-Chan: bYe!

The 4th wall is BROKEN! and I'm tired so good night!

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