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618 41 7

September 23rd, 2017

"Nayoung? What are you doing here?" is the first thing I ask. I'm angry. The last time I saw her was when I was in the hospital at the start of September. When the cancer was detected.

"You know there's only 50% chance that you will survive the next five years, right? And you're spending it going out with a stranger you've met on some random app? I thought you were smart, Jaehee!" She gets straight to her point, which has no meaning to me at the moment.

"You don't think I know that? Why do you think I'm trying to fulfil my dreams harder than I was before? And how did you know about Yoongi?"

She holds up her phone. "You accidentally messaged me a while ago, remember? You said, 'you really are min yoongi wow ilysm,' you deleted it right after, but I saw it. I saw it clear as day."

"But he didn't show up today, did he?" She says, and I immediately realise what she'd done.

"You're the reason he didn't show," for a second or two I forget what's happening, but then I remember and the anger surges through me. "How?! Why?!"

She shakes her phone. "Instagram. We made your account together, remember? When I kept making fun of your stupid username. Well, I logged into yours, found his account, which was on his Kik, and pretended to be you. Easy, and simple, anyone could do it."

"That doesn't answer why."

"Jaehee, sweetie, for all you know he was a serial killer. You should be thanking me, I'm helping you out. Now give me your phone, I don't want you communicating with him anymore."

I did something then. I did something that she does to me so many times, every time we see each other really.

I slapped her.

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