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September 31th, 2017
Sunday, 17:45

over the course of four hours, the two of the yoongi stans shared wide smiles, dimple showing laughs (and body swinging laughs, mostly jimin though) and jaehee reading fanfiction out loud (mostly yoonmin, but for both of their sakes she added in some jimin x oc/reader, just to not make her seem like a crazy shipper) (she also hid her phone because of all her stories on her account). 

jimin's laugh filled the room as jaehee read the last chapter of a fanfiction in her drafts out loud to him. 

"'and... and'," she tries to say. "'and there she was. walking across the street as if yesterday she wasn't just left on the concrete floor of the park by the very person she thought would protect her forever, minding her business as that same person stared her down from across the street, readying himself for the moment she would turn around and see him and break down like she had the previous day.'."

jimin sniffles.

"'but she didnt. she kept walking, and instead of going into the bakery like he thought she would, she stopped in front of one of his best mates, kissing him on the cheek and engulfing him in a hug before tears started streaming down her face.'"

"he must chase after her," jimin suddenly exclaims, getting a few giggles from jaehee. "he has to. he loves her! the only reason he left her there was to protect her from himself! he thinks hes a monster, doesnt he?"

jaehee suppresses her giggles. "we have to find out later. that's the last chapter, as of..." she glances at her phone, "two o'clock this morning."

"you just read me fifty nine-or-whatever chapters of my new favourite book. who wrote it?!"

"er, i, i don't know, i cant remember the username," she turns off her phone. "and my phone just died, damn. that sucks, huh?"

"it does!" jimin whines, surprising the shorter human. "that was the best piece of anything ive ever heard in my life! it was written so beautifully, so, i dont know, intelligently. as if the writer is there, the writer is the characters. the writer is the words, the chapters, the whole damn story, not just it's creator. thats beautiful."

"it is, jimin," jaehee holds back her tears. he called her writing beautiful, he called her the whole damn book. "it definitely is."

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