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Q. 1
How much do u love IM JAEHEE!!!
i love im jaehee more than i love sleep. i guess that says a lot? but i don't love her a lot, i love her with all my heart, y'know? like, id go to the moon and back for her, id risk my life for her, id do anything for her. EXCEPT leave her.

Q. 2
what is one thing you wish you could do for her and why?
for her i would do anything. but there was something i didn't think i could ever do. help her love herself. its something i had trouble with in the past, but she brought out the best in me, and i wish to help her love herself too.

Q. 3
Do you love jaehee?
i do, she's the one thing i love more than sleep.

Q. 4
What are your favourite and least favourite things about her?
my favourite thing about her is her one pierced ear. i don't actually think ive ever seen a girl with the one ear pierced in real life, and if i have i guess jaehee's kind of stands out more to me because it's jaehee. one thing i don't like about her... id say the fact that she hurts herself and wants to die... im determined to make that fact transform into a lie though.

Q. 5
Do you mind the whole cancer thing?
im not exactly sure whether i do or don't mind it. it's something none of us can quite control so it's a part of her, though i wish it wasn't...

Q. 6
your unrequited crush on jungkook... are you over him?
who told you about that?

Q. 7
Did you love him [Jungkook]  or was it just a crush?
um well i liked him a lot for about 4 years? my heart would pound whenever i saw him, i often dreamt about him, i could never be close enough to him... it was kind of like he controlled my entire existence unknowingly? so im not exactly sure what it was.

Q. 8
How did you get over him?
okay, seriously, who told you about him?? can i ask the questions here or..?

Q. 9
Is jaehee really a rebound [from Jungkook]?
what? of course not!


Q. 1
omg are u going to be okay because I TRULY LOVE YOU!!! PLEASE STAY HEALTHY
oh my goodness, yes i am OKAY. thank you for caring, i love you too! but i will only stay healthy if you stay healthy too! (can i use emojis?) 😘

Q. 2
Why were you so scared of facing Yoongi?
well, it was THE MIN YOONGI... and i love him... i wanted to tell him about the cancer when i saw him in person for the first time, i promised myself that when i wrote my suicide note to him and he replied as if he cared. and i thought that he saved me for nothing, im going to die soon anyway, why not die now before meeting him and spare him the pain?

Q. 3
You'd have to face him [Yoongi] eventually, why not get it over with?
because i didn't want him to hurt anymore than he already was! i realise it's cowardly... but i was truly afraid of hurting him more if i lived longer and then died on him!



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