[ 73 ]

392 20 4

September 31th, 2017
Sunday, 19:54

it takes jimin a few moments to comprehend what jaehee had said, but when he does, he finally becomes genuinely confused.

"what do you mean?"

"cut the shit," jaehee mutters, she cant bring her voice up any higher for the moment. "why did you come to the hospital in the first place? i was totally joking, i didn't expect you'd actually come, and now im wondering why."

jimin's mouth stays sealed.

"an answer would be nice, jimin," she says his name in a shaky voice, remembering clearly mere days ago when she was fawning over him and yoongi videos on youtube. damn, were armys the best.

"and why help me? why help me avoid yoongi? it all seems a bit too suspicious for me, jimin. why help a normal girl like me?"

jimin just smiles a sweet smile, his half moon eyes practically glowing as his the waxing gibbous moon reflects off his face.

jaehee starts to notice the tears falling from his eyes.

"because he loves you."

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