[ 35 ]

596 35 5

September 23rd, 2017

The moment my cold hand made contact with her make up caked face I regretted it. The amount of times she's slapped me like I did to her in that moment(for the first time I've ever hit somebody) seemed impossible to count, I wondered if she felt the way I did after I hit her.

Perhaps not, because as soon as I retracted my hand I was on the floor, her hands wrapped around my neck as I struggled to breathe.

"You're only on stage 3. You get the surgery before you reach stage 4. You know as much as I do that when you reach stage 4 you're as good as dead," is all she says before getting off of me. She forgets about grabbing my phone, it's secure in my pocket as she leaves my apartment.

I hate how she's right. I hate how she manipulated me. I hate how she made me thing Yoongi was a bad person. I hate her so fucking much.

I open Kik, and to my surprise Yoongi's online and he messages me first.

who's this??

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