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September 31th, 2017
Sunday, 19:59

jaehee sets a cup of coffee on the table in front of jimin, sitting down on the couch opposite him with her own Super Mario cup.

they haven't said a word to each other after the whole 'yoongi loves you' thing.

jimin picks up the Miracle in Cell No. 7 cup, smiling. "tae cried when he watched that movie with jin hyung."

"really?" jaehee smiles. "it's one of my favourites actually. definitely a tearjerker."

"yeah, i heard," jimin laughs, memories of the night taehyung had watched the movie all those years ago.

then it becomes awkwardly silent again. the two sip their coffees quietly in this awkward silence, not looking at each other.

until jaehee had enough. "okay, spill. im not satisfied with the answer you've given me. explain."

jimin sighs to himself. "yoongi hyung likes you. as more than a friend. as in... he wants to be your lover..."

"and that... made you cry?" jaehee questioned, the confusion almost becoming too much. "i don't get it."

"well, i don't expect you to..."

"why were you crying jimin?" the girl asks the younger before her, genuinely concerned.

"because yoongi hyung likes you," jimin snuffed before rubbing his tears off of his cheeks with his sleeves.

"does that make you sad?" jaehee just keeps getting more and more confused by the second. "why?"

"bec," he hiccups. "because..."

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