Chapter 10 - A Pub and Simon Cowell

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AN: Hola wonderful readers! Here is another update for you! I personally think this is my favorite chapter so far! It's a little longer too. Also at the end I did Briana's point of view and that was fun since she hasn't been in the story a lot! I hope you like it!

Claire’s POV

              I woke up the next morning headache free. I still had thoughts of the breakup replaying in my mind, but I couldn’t let that hold me back. I had finally decided to do the gigs and my first one was tonight. It was in the same pub where the producer talked to me. At the moment I wasn’t nervous. I had been practicing a lot and I was playing songs I could probably perform in my sleep. I didn’t want to be negative, but I would probably get nervous sometime today. I usually did. Every time I did my mom would try to comfort me by saying it was natural to have nerves and I would get over them. Of course she was always right and my nerves did go away. The only thing was more depended on this show. People would care if I messed up. No. Don’t think about it Claire. I finally got up and took a shower. When I got out I decided to put on sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I would change into something else for the show tonight. I blow dried my hair and put it up in a messy bun as a final touch to my amazing outfit. Haha! I went to get my phone off my dresser and saw I had a new text. I debated if I should look at it. If it was Niall then I didn’t want to read it, but if it was someone like Briana I should probably answer. I finally decided I was being stupid and looked at it. It was an unidentified number. It read:

Unidentified to Clairebear: Hey Claire! How are you feeling? I heard about your breakup.

Clairebear to Unidentified: I’m good. Is this Harry?

Unidentified to Clairebear: Yeah, sorry I probably should have said that before.

Clairebear to Harry: That’s ok. So, how are you? Oh, and how did you get my number? I never told you.

Harry to Clairebear: Oh, I got it from Niall. I’m good by the way.

Clairebear to Harry: Niall gave it to you? Weren’t you flirting with me before?

Harry to Clairebear: Ok fine. You caught me. I might have looked at his phone without asking. I just thought you might want a friend.

Clairebear to Harry: Why doesn’t that surprise me? That’s very nice, but if you try anything you will die.

Harry to Clairebear: Whoa! You’re meaner than you seem! So, you won’t tell Niall about this right?

Clairebear to Harry: I should, but I’m still mad him so I won’t.

Harry to Clairebear: Thanks. I have a feeling this the start of a beautiful friendship Claire. 

Clairebear to Harry: Same here. Listen, I’ve got to go but I’ll text you later ok?

Harry to Clairebear: Ok. Talk to you later.

              I put my phone down. That was an odd conversation, but I already knew what Harry was trying to do and he had no intentions of being just friends. I liked Harry as a friend, but not as a boyfriend. I had just broken up with Niall yesterday! It was a little sad he had tried so soon. If he would have waited a while I might have considered it. But the last thing I needed right now was more drama.

Louis’s POV

              Right now all five of us were on the way to Harry’s cabin and I was driving. It was fun being the only one able to drive. You could rub it in everyone’s face. I know, that was a little mean, but true. Usually car rides were fun with all of us, but today it was absolutely miserable. Niall was still moody and didn’t talk to anyone. All he did was listen to music. And Harry was texting someone nonstop. I wondered who it could be since Harry didn’t text that much. Liam was also texting and smiling like an idiot. He was definitely texting Danielle. So it was just me and Zayn who was lost in his own thoughts. I looked to the backseat again and saw Harry had stopped texting. I had to break this silence.

My Best Friend (Niall Horan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن