Chapter 14 - The First Live Show

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AN: What's up my lovely readers! I found time to update today! This is the last low key drama chapter I promise. I have some great ideas for the next chapter. Now I just have to find time to write it! Well, enough of me! Read the chapter!

Niall’s POV

              Today was the day. The first live X-Factor show. It was still a few hours away, but I was so nervous I was shaking. Right now all of the contestants, judges, and crew were in the studio making last minute preparations for the show. It was quite interesting. I never thought it would take so much effort to make a live show happen. I personally was bored at the moment. All the contestants had run through the opening number and me and the lads had practiced our song. I wanted to leave, but the producers said everyone had to stay until they were done going through the whole show, which was like two hours long. I really wished I had remembered my phone, but no. It was sitting on the table in our room. I had been in such a rush I had forgotten to grab it. I really needed to stop being almost late. Just then someone sat down in the audience beside me. I turned to see it was Briana.

              “Hey Briana! I haven’t talked to you in a while. How have you been?” I asked surprised. For the whole time she had been here she shunned me. And now this. It was quite abrupt.

              “Hey Niall! I’m good. You?”

              “I’m good. Just really bored right now.”

              “Oh good, then I’m not interrupting.”

              “Not at all. Is there something you need to talk to me about?”

              “Well, yeah. It’s about Claire.”


              “She still loves you Niall.”

              “Are you crazy? She does not. She likes Harry now.”

              “She may like Harry now, but I can tell it’s just temporary. She hasn’t told me, but I can she wants you back.”

              “Briana, I love you as a friend, but this is what you think. Not Claire. She may love me and I may love her, but I’m not going to do anything else stupid. I’d rather stay friends with Claire than lose her for good.”

              “Come on Niall! Don’t you ever want to take that chance and she how she really feels? I know I would.” I didn’t answer Briana’s question that time.

              “Well I better go. Claire is probably wondering where I am. Bye Niall. Remember if you ever need to talk, I’m your girl.”

              “Bye Briana. Thanks.” I said.

              This conversation I had with Briana had got me thinking. What if Claire really was with Harry just temporarily? I mean, what would happen to them when Claire went back to Ireland in a few days? Another long distance relationship? Yeah, cause ours worked out so well. Haha! Stop it Niall! You are in a good relationship with Claire right now. I was sure I didn’t want to ruin that. Maybe I was just to scared.

              “Hey Niall!” A voice said behind me. It was Claire.

              “Hey Claire! What are you doing here?”

              “Just checking out your competition. You better step on your game or you’ll be going home real soon.”

              “Thank for that confidence builder.”

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